Chapter 11: "You are mine!"

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Off POV:

"Gun... let me conquer you."

I was walking back to my hotel after crying for a while when I suddenly saw Oab holding Gun close to him.

Conquer? My Gun?

My heart started pounding verey fast.

What if Gun hates me and leaves me?

What if he lets Oab conquer him?

I wait for Gun's respond. He won't leave me right?

However Gun stays silence.

Why can't he just say no? Why does he even need to think?

Oab pulled Gun closer to him. He tried to lean forward to kiss Gun.

That's when I lost it. I don't know what happened to me but all I knew was that he tried to KISS my Gun!

Without even thinking, I ran over and knocked down Oab with a punch.

I then grabbed Guns hand and tried to pull him away.

But he wouldn't move. In fact, he tried to remove my hand from his and run over to Oab to see if he was ok.

That just made me more mad.

This Time I grabbed his hand again. Tight!

Oab tried to stop me but I pushed him off.

I soon walked off with my Gun.

"P'Off! Please let go! It hurts!"

"Call me P'Off again and I'll lose myself. I warned you!" I responded harshly.

As I was taking to my hotel, he tried many time to run away from me.

It just made me more and more mad!

I opened the door to my room and threw him against the wall.

I placed both of my hands on the wall so he couldn't escape.

"You said that you and Oab weren't a thing! Why did you lie to me?! He clearly likes you!"

"Why do you care whether he likes me or not!? You may not like me but there are other peoples who like me!"

"I Care because you're mine! No one's allowed to touch you other then me!"

"P'Off stop! Do you know how ridiculous you sound?"

I lost it! I fucking told him not to call me P'Off again!

I pushed my lips against his lips hard.

His lips are so soft and sweet.

They only belong to me.

The more he tried to push me away, the more I came closer.

I wanted more!

I placed one of my hand in the back of his neck and the other in his waist to pull him closer to me. 

He wouldn't open his mouth.

I wanted more!

I slide my hands underneath his
T-shirt and run my hand all over his body.

He let out a soft moan.

I take the opportunity to slide my tongue in.

I start tasting every corner of his mouth. Not missing a single spaced.

I then bite his lower lips and suck on his upper one.

He's still trying to push me away while moaning.

He's moans are turning me on.

I could tell that he's bleeding because I could taste his blood but I didn't care. I just wanted more.

He suddenly stops moving.

Did he give up already?

I feel warm water against my face.
I slowly break the kiss and look at him.

He's crying.

"I- am sor- sorr-y Gun."

I made him cry again.

I wipe away the blood in his lips and make him look up at me.

He looks scared. This is not good. I need to fix this.

"I'm so sorry. I completely lost myself"

"Wh-y why did yo-u do that?" He sobbed.

"I'm really sorry. The thought of me losing you made me really scared."


"I I like you Gun. I know I said and did some really nasty things to hurt your feelings. I'm really really sorry. I guess I was just trying to avoid the fact that I'm not as straight as I thought I was."

I take a deep breath before pulling him into a warm hug. I rest my head in his shoulder.

"Gun. Please don't go to anyone else.
Please just let me only have you. I  really love you.

You are mine."

So... What did you guys think? Finally this ship has sailed. Hope Gun accepts him.

Q: What's your favorite food?

For me it's my mom's home made Biryani. It's a Bengali food.

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