Chapter 6:"Oab... Was I disgusting?"

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Gun POV:

As we finished shooting for our last scene, Oab suddenly called me and told me he wanted to meet up.

I'm not very good with Direction in Korea, however he said that he will come and pick me up so I said I'll go have dinner with him. I also missed his as well.

How long has it been? 2 years? Since the last time I saw him.

Me and Oab dated 3 years ago. we were pretty chill and relaxed, however Oab had to go to Korea to pursue his dreams. We still tried to have a long distance relationship, however, it was not working.... so we decided to break up.

I'm not going to lie. Back then I was heartbroken. But I didn't blame him. He had a dream and I also had a dream. We both had to accomplish our dreams a different country.

The last time I saw him was 2 year ago when he suddenly came to Thailand and surprised me.

I missed all those good times... However now looking back at it, they were just memories.

Now I found pap- wait no I shouldn't be thinking of P'Off right now. I'm about to see my friend after a long time and I'm not going to let P'Off ruin my mood.

I suddenly felt someone covering my eye.

"Guess who?"

I took a deep sigh...

"you're never change...Do you?"

Oab then came front of me and took a sit .

"And you were always the party pooper, weren't you?"

We both laughed at that. Back when we were dating, every time we had a date, he would always come and cover my eyes from the back.

He pinched my cheeks and said

"why are you still so cute?"

"I'm not cute! I'm hot" I replied back.

We ordered food and I started to move all the tomatoes from my plate to his. He suddenly started smiling from ear to ear.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked.

"You still have the habit of always dumping your tomatoes into my plate"

"Hey, I can't help it. They taste really bad."

We diged into our food. After finishing our meal we started chatting.

"So how's your life in Korea?" I said.

" It's ok... I just miss Thailand so much... I am thinking of going back to Thailand and joining GMMTV..."

I almost spilled water that I was about to drink.


"Just kidding"

"Fuck you"

"Haha! But really...Korea is great. I made few friends here but I really do miss Thailand... I think I'll go back to Thailand for a while... maybe I could go with you... when are you guys leaving Korea?"

"We will leave within 3 days. We finished our shooting. We are just going to spend the next three days looking around Korea. But are you really going to come with us" I said excitedly.

"Yes... I think so. I pretty much finished all my work here...I'm going to go visit Thailand for a while."

I was glad he's coming back to Thailand. I'm pretty sure his family and his old friends missed him.

"You still haven't had a tour around Korea, Right? How about I give you a tour? There are a lot of good place I know." He asked.

"That would be amazing."

💟A Theory Becoming Reality. {Offgun}⬜Where stories live. Discover now