Chapter 2: "Does he hate me this much?"

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Gun POV:

As we arrived in Korea, we headed toward our hotel that we're going to stay over for a couple of days.

P'Godji was pairing us up and giving us our room key.

"Tay and New, your in room 1996. Go to your room and rest. Don't over do tonight." And then she winked at the couple.

"Yes p " said Tay as the couple went up the elevator.

P'Godji then looked at me and Papi.

"You too, Off and Gun. You have a early shooting tomorrow. And here is your room kay. Its room 1995" She teased us.

"Come on p~~~" I said and I could feel my cheeks burning.

I grabbed papi's hend and we went inside our bedroom. As soon as we opened the door, I saw something that made my heart jump out of my chest.

I mean, I sleep with papi a lot of the time... [what are you all thinking 😏]
But like... we are in a fucking hotel! A HOTEL...

I tried to calm myself down as we entered the room.

" I'm going to go take a shower first" Papi said.

"W- why?" I Studdard. I could feel my face heating up.

"Ummm... so i can sleep..."

Way to go gun, you made a fool of yourself.

He took a shower and he came out with a towel wrapped around his waist and shirtless.


"Ummm...Gun. Are you ok?" Said papi.

"W-what I- I am fine..."

"Why is your face so red?"

I touched my face and it was burning hot.

"Maybe my head is still dizzy from the airplane ride. I'm going to go take a shower and fresh up" I said quick as a flash and ran toward the bathroom.

Saved myself.

I came out and papi was laying down on the bed. I took a deep breath and went toward him. I jumped on the bed and started cuddling Papi. He didn't push me away. He never did. I slept hugging him.

The next day.

I woke up to the sound of someone throwing something at the wall. It was papi... he was looking at his phone and he looked really pissed. Like really Pissed. It Kind of scared me. I never seen him like this.

"Pap-" he cut me off.

"Gun, get ready! I'm leaving first!"

He slammed the door so hard that i flinched.

I got ready and and P'Godji came to pick me up.

"Do you know what happened to papi?" I asked.

P'Godji shook her head.

"Maybe he just woke up at the wrong side of the bed"

As we got to the place where we were going to shoot our kiss scene, I grew even more nervous. I can't wait!!!

I ran inside the building and looked all over the place for papi. As I was about to enter a room, I overheard something that I wished I never heard.

"I can't believe we have to do this stupid scene. I hate it! I hate it when he touches me! He's so clingy, and because of that, I can't even have sex with my girlfriend because she thinks I'm fucking a boy. Seriously, I can't wait for this day to end! I WISH HE WOULD JUST STOP TOUCHING ME"

It was papi.... my papi... but no... it can't be him... my papi would never say such things.

Tears started falling from both of my eyes. I pressed my head against my mouth so hard so I wouldn't make a sound.

"Does he hate me this much?" Is all I thought before I ran.

I ran... I ran as fast as my little feet can. I ren toward the bathroom and locked myself in. I started sobbing so hard that I could barely breathe.

"All this time... I only annoyed him? Was my touch that disgusting to him? Was it that worthless? He had a girlfriend and he kept it a Secret from me? He would choose Sex before me?"

I stayed in the bathroom for 15 minutes. Unable to stop crying and unable to stop asking more question that made my heartache even more.

Finally I have made a decision...

"If he's disgusted by my touch, then I will not touch him ever again."

What did you guys think? I don't know why but I love crying. I'm just going to get this out of the way because I alsi hate when a bitch is next to a main lead. Don't pay too much attention to the girlfriend. she's not going to be that important. Off doesn't "love her". He only has her.

Q: Any favorite kdrama or series?

For me i love strong woman do bong soon and I love the serie puppy honey.

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