Chapter 3: He changed.

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Off POV:

"No you don't hate him" said Tay.

I was so pissed that my girlfriend wouldn't have any sex with me. I have been dating her for almost 3 months and she refuses to have sex.
Every time I invite her to my house, the first thing she says is

'does Gun come here?'

"Yes i hate him!" I snapped back.
"It's his fault that my girlfriend doesn't want to have any sex with me. She said that it disgusts her the way Gun touches me. Shes not wrong. Everyone also thinks that way. Even me"

"Oi Off! NoBody thainks that way! Do you really think that Gun's touches are disgusting or are you saying that because your girlfriend said it?" Tay replied. This time his voice was Sharp.

I didn't say anything back... I just sat there...

"Just don't say things like this around gun. You'll hurt his feelings. Also  don't listen to your girlfriend all the time. I am sorry but I don't like the things she says."

P'Godji came and interrupted us.

"Did you guys see gun? He came here with me like 15 minutes ago."

I looked at my watch and I looked around... he's not here and he's late. I was about to call him when I saw a small figure enter the room.

"Sorry i am late. I was at the bathroom." Said Gun.

And then he looked at me and smiled a little.

What the fuck? He's just going to smile? Wheres the the hug and the kiss? This was not like Gun. Usually whenever he saw me, he would jump on me.

I suddenly stopped. Realizing what I was thinking. I looked at his face and his eyes were all swollen and red, his face was all pale too.

I placed my hand in his cheeks and asked him if he was okay.

What he did next shocked me. He moves my hand from his cheeks and gave me a smile that looked so painful...

"I am ok P'Off."

P'Off? Did he just call me P'Off and not papi? Is this even Gun? I don't know why but I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my heart. I was so confused. I was about to ask him why he called me  P'Off and not papi but them our director called us to shoot the next scene...

The Kiss scene...

What did you you guys think?
I love three type of Off. The jealous Off, the worried Off and of course, the "i am in love with gun" Off.

Q: what is your favorite song?

For me it's don't wanna cry by Seventeen.

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