Chapter 7: why him?

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Off POV:

11:56 P.M

It was Fucking 11:56 p.m. and there is still no sign of Gun. I kept on calling him but he does not respond. Where the fuck is he and what the fuck is he doing with Oab?

I am boiling with anger. I swear, the next time I see that motherfuking Oab I will-

*Ding dong*

Someone rang the doorbell.

I ran towards the door hoping it was gun...and when I opened it... there he was. All drunk and hugging Oab.

I look at him. How ridiculous he looks right now hugging Oab.

"Sorry P'Off. He wanted to go to the bar and he over drinks." Explained Oab.

I grabbed Gun and pulled him off Oab.

How much did he drink? The strong smell of alcohol is killing me.

"Then...I'll be leaving" said Orb.

"Umm. Good thing you bought MY Gun back. So I'll have to thank you for that!"

"Thank me? I didn't want him to come here. I was going to take him to my house and let him sleep there, but all he could say is 'P'Off will be mad' "

Before I could ask what he meant by that, he walked off.

Oh God the smell of alcohol! It looks like he poured half of alcohol in his clothes.

I dragged him to the bed and I laid him down there.

What now? Should I undress him? Or... Wait no! I should call New.

I called New. But that dude wouldn't answer. Great! when I needed him, there was no response.

So I decided to call Tay. Same shit!

Why are they even my friends?

Well...I guess that leaves me no choice but to...undress him?

I started taking off his shirt... one button by one. Until he was completely shirtless.

I swallowed all the saliva that was in my mouth.

Then I grabbed his jeans... I took the belt off and I unzipped his zipper. I slowly started pulling it off until he was almost all naked other than his underwear.

My eyes widen. WHAT THE FUCK...

Why does he look so hot almost naked.


I felt my heart stop.

There he was, almost naked... calling my name sweeter than honey.

Control yourself.

I went to the bathroom and got a wet towel. I started wiping his body so no alcohol would be left in his skin...

I first started wiping his hands, then his nack, then his chest and finally his stomach.

As i touched his stomach, he called my name again...


My heart was now beating faster and faster. I was finally glad he called me papi. I missed that name, however I did not imagine him calling my name like this... in this position.

I swallow hard again, looking at his dick.

Should I?

Wait! what the hell am I thinking? I looked down at my own pants and fuck...

I have a boner.

I quickly got off the bed and throw a blanket over Gun and I ran toward the bathroom.

It's nothing... it's nothing... I was not turn on because of Gun... I'm pretty sure it's just nothing...

It's nothing
The Next Day:

I almost fell off the living room couch when I heard someone scream.

I ran towards Guns room and I see him panicking.

He looks at me.

"P'Off... where are my clothes? Why am i almost all naked? What did you do? Where is Oab?"

And at his last question... my heart almost dropped. Did he Expect to see Oab next to him when he got up?

I felt betrayed all of a sudden...but I why should I?

"He dropped you off last night and he went home. Your clothes were all covered in alcohol so I decided to take it off. That's all!"

Why the fuck am I even explaining myself.

I slammed the door and I exit the room.

Why did he call my name last night if he was expecting to see Oab next to him in the morning?

Why him?

So what did you guys think? Sorry if this chapter was short. I wanted to clear of that OAB WAS NOT SLEEPING WITH GUN.

Q: What do you like the most about yourself?

For me its my kind heart

💟A Theory Becoming Reality. {Offgun}⬜Where stories live. Discover now