Chapter 9: I love him.

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Off POV:

"Am I that disgusting?"

And just like that, he walked away.

I just stood there. Like an idiot. I wanted to run after him. Hold him. Tell him that he was not.

But for some reason, I couldn't move.
Maybe it was because I didn't want to move.I didn't want to hear him push me away.

It scares me.

I walked back to my room to see my girlfriend sitting in top of my bed.

"Why did you let him come into your room? You know I don't like him coming here. He was definitely tri-"

"Shut up" I said in a low voice.


"I said shut the fuck up!"

Now we both were staring at each other.

"He's not disgusting! In fact I am disgusting. I can't believe I let your words get into my head!"

"Oh, now you going to blame me?!"

"No. I blame myself to even make you my girlfriend. We are over!"

"You can't just break up with me like this!"

"Well... I just did!"

I didn't want to stand in that room for another second. I slammed the door and I exited the hotel.

As I was walking along the street, bare feet and no heavy clothing, I didn't care. All I cared about was Gun.

I can't believe I hurt him like that. He never did anything to me.

I started thinking about all the fun times we had before... All the times when he started hugging me and all the time he kissed me.

I miss those moments.

Tears started falling. And then I fell to the ground. Unable to stop my sobbing.

"I'm sorry, Gun. I'm really sorry."

Right there and then.. I realized...

I love him.

I didn't like him getting close to others.

I didn't like when he ignores me.

I didn't like him being hurt because of me.

I guess I really loved him. However I was scared. Scared of what people would say.

What would my parents think? What would my cousin's think?

And more importantly, what would I think?

I was not sure of my sexuality And I guess that's why I had a girlfriend.

I thought I liked her... but she was a tool to me for forget my feelings for Gun.

I'm really an asshole... i can't let him go.

I need him.

I want him.

I love him.

So what did you guys think? I'm sorry this chapter is really short. I'm coming to a end of this book. There is going to be a few more chapters before it ends tho.  Also I did not forget about Oab. I feel like I need to get his feelings out soon and let that boy rest.

Q: What's your favorite number?

For me is the number 17 and 8.
17 because my favorite group is called Seventeen and 8 because that's S.coups favorite number.

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