Chapter 5: Fuck him.

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Off POV:

I went outside to get some fresh air and also my girlfriend kept on calling... so annoying.

I was about to answer my phone when I suddenly heard someone screaming Guns name.

It was Oab.

They both ran toward each other and Oab lifted gun off the floor and started spinning around with him in a circle.


He was touching gun. MY GUN.

They're so fucking loud that I could hear every word they say.

"What are you doing here?" Gun said.
He was still holding on to Oab's solder.

"Of course I am here to see you. Why didn't you tell me you were coming to Korea? I could have came and visit you sooner." Oab replied. He's hands were still on guns waist.

How dare he! He needs to get his fucking filthy hands off my Gun.

"Sorry....I guess I've been pretty busy lately. By the wa-"

"GUN!" I cut him off.

I sprinted toward them and pulled Gun from that position they were in. I guess I was holding Guns hands to tightly . I was hurting him, because the next thing he said was

"Off your hurting me"

"Oh sorry..."

I released the pressure for my hand but I still did not let go of his hand.I pulled him more behind me and then I looked it Oab.

"You must be Oab. I am Off, Guns partner. Now if you excuse us, we have an important shoot to scene."

I tried to pull gun toward the building but Oab stoped Us.

"Gun. I Will call you soon."

I rolled my eyes and pulled gun even harder to the building.

"P'Off... I thought the shooting doesn't start until 10:00 A.M. It's only 8:56.


"UMM.... i think P'Godji was calling you."


"Yes. now go!"

He went to the other room to meet up with P'Godji. Hopefully P'Godji starts chatting with guns likes she often does.

I'm sitting down in my sit and reading the script... i was speechless after seeing what happened.

What the fuck? Gun and Oab broke up like 3 years can they break up and still be such good friends...? Is it even legal to be friend with your ex?

"You jealous?" Someone calls.

It was New.

"What?" I questioned.

"I saw you pull gun away from Oab few minutes ago?"

"Yeah of course! We have a scene to shoot soon."

"But its not until 10:00 A.M."

"Well I didn't want him to be late. he's always late"

New just sighed. He then saw his boyfriend and Ren towards him.

Was I really jealous? why would I be jealous...? I don't care about them. But I am concerned Why he's suddenly here.

After a while, me and Gun finished our final shoot for the day. The Director told us that he was going to treat us dinner.

I looked around the whole place trying to see where Gun was,but I found him nowhere.

Tay saw me searching for him.

"You are looking for Gun... Right? " he said while smirking.


"Well then... I guess I'm not telling you" he teased.

"I don't care where he goes... but he's my partner so I should at least know"

Just then New came up and grabbed Tay's arm.

"He went with Oab to have dinner." said New.


What did you guys think? I'm excited for the next chapter. Will Oab try to win back Gun? Please don't forget to vote.

Q: what is your favorite movie?

For me it's "Train to Busan" or "Werewolf boy"

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