Part 6

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Alex glanced out of her window as she saw Mac come out of the Luna Mesa his angular features shadowed in the night. He looked over quickly to see her sitting in her car before going over to his dusty red truck. He spun his keys around his thick fingers, walking over to the side panel.

Alex craned her neck over the back of the seat and watched him unlock a compartment on the side of his tailgate, pulling out a big plastic bag. She smiled and shook her head. It figured.

He looked back over again, stowing the gallon plastic bag under his large camo coat before walking over and climbing into her passenger's side door. He shut it and looked at her, leaning his back against the window and looking at her. Fuck her deceptively pretty little face. What he would do to that face...and neck...and everything else within biting distance.

He smirked to himself, lighting a cigarette. "So, Ali just how much stronger you looking for?"

Alex rolled her green eyes at him. "It's Alex and just the weed."

Mac shook his head and opened the bag, knowing exactly where it was but still putting on a show of it. He pulled out a small baggie with little, white, semitransparent crystals in it. "You know something stronger might do you some good. Pull that stick out of your little ass." Stick my dick in there.

Alex rolled her eyes. "Nope. I'm self-medicating. I want to forget; not kill myself."

Mac grunted his consideration and held up the bag to her. It was small. "Call it a sample." He told her. LSD was some expensive shit and he wanted it concentrated. "You want me, you know where to find me."

Alex frowned and took it. Stalking her? Every time she showed up here he seemed like he was a few paces behind. "How much?"

"Twenty." He watched as she leaned forward over him and pulled open her glove box. His eyes caught a puckered scar over her shoulder when the tank top moved, focusing in on it as she pulled cash out of the glove box. His eyes traveled up the line of her neck and he could practically smell her skin. It looked soft...bitable, delicious.

"I take favors too." He found himself saying with a smirk as she leaned over him. How easy would it be to just grab the back of her head and force it into his crotch right now? So easy.

Alex pulled up and narrowed her eyes at him as he raised his eyebrows and put the burning cigarette back in his mouth. "That's cute." She told him.

Mac went to snarl at her when he hand reached out and grabbed the front of his belt, shutting up and waiting for her to unbuckle it. Instead she pulled it away from his stomach and shoved the two ten dollar bills in. "Bitch." He muttered under his breath as he yanked the car door open.

Alex shook her head and grinned as he slammed the door shut behind him. "What a man whore." She half laughed as she reached behind her to grab her bag. Pulling a roll of papers out, she opened the ziplock baggie and watched as Mac stowed his Santa Clause like bag of pills, poppers, snorters and seizures into the compartment and locked it. She kicked her own door open with her foot to give herself a circulation of warm moving air.

Mac shot a few angry looks over his shoulder as he did. Did that little bitch just turn him down and tell him he was 'Cute'? CUTE?! Whore...what a little whore!

Alex shook her head again as she began to roll the joint, frowning at the white little particles on her fingers. She frowned and rubbed the tips of them together. Glancing back up she prepared to yell out the window to Mac, only to see that he was slamming his car door shut again, to busy shooting her angry looks to notice the Sheriffs Deputy coming up to the other side of the window.

"Shit!" She muttered, tossing the half rolled joint and baggie into her center console.

"Well, evening there Mac."

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