Part 27

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Mac watched as Alex shut the bathroom door behind her. Her face was calm, zoned out almost like when she was remembering something. Her jaw was loose though and she wasn't looking at any one particular thing. Slowly she reached out and took his hand, her fingers weaving through his large ones. He let her get arm's length before moving with her to the bedroom, shutting the door behind him before she tugged him over towards the bed. Reaching out she took a deep breath before putting her hands on his shoulders and pushing down.

He frowned as he sat, not really sure what she was doing. Sure he had gotten a blow job on here but they were more of the rough sex types, counters, canyon, walls...not beds. She didn't care right now. She needed to feel something...feel another living breathing person. He had no doubt that she would have killed Harley on her own if he hadn't gotten there in time. She might not be vicious entirely but she was not ready to die and she wasn't going to let someone else control that.

He watched, lips parting as she lifted her shirt over her head. He licked his lips as she reached behind her and undid the clasp of her bra, tossing it beside her on the floor. She moved onto her belt and pant buttons still facing him but not looking at him.

"Alex..." He muttered as she pulled them down along with her underwear. He should get her totally naked more. Her body was fucking perfect. Slim, slender, toned and tanned. He could even see a few of the places he had bitten and sucked on still on her skin, sickly marking her as his own.

Alex shook her head and stepped up to him. "Let me have this one Mac...please?"

He nodded as she pulled at the buttons of his shirt, pushing it off his shoulders before lifting up the hem of the grey longsleeved flannel undershirt and pulling it over his head. Her little hands ran across his chest for a moment, taking in the burn marks and scars over his chest and collar bones. He reached down and pulled his pants open. Alex pushed them off his hips and farther down. Mac arched himself up the slightest of bits to push them off and kick them and his boots off.  Eyes stayed on her face, unable to look away, as if he was mesmerized by the sight of her.

Leaning forward he took hold of her tiny hips and pulled her closer, capturing one of her nipples in his mouth and pulling at it with his lips and teeth. A little sigh escaped her and he released the little mound of pink flesh, scraping his teeth against it as gently as he could manage before moving to the other. Her fingers tangled in his hair as he clenched her hips in his hands.

He released as she slipped closer, straddling his hips and sitting on his thighs. Her hands moved to his jaw and he released the tension in his neck so that she could angle his face up to hers. She looked down into his blue eyes, waiting for him to get mad and push her off of him. She pressed her lips to the left side of his mouth, then the right. His large hands drifted into her hair on the back of her head.

His heart rate picked up quickly, tightening more and more at the feeling of her heat around him and on his legs. Using his grip on her hair he pulled her in for a hard intense kiss. It was deep, twisting, hungry and powerful but slow at the same time. His hand spread out on the small of her back, pulling her farther onto him. Her breath caught and tongue pulled away as she felt his tip press against her entrance.

"It's real." He muttered the mantra to her.

Alex nodded against his forehead. "I's always real like this."

Mac closed his eyes and took a deep breath before yanking her forward hard so that he moved fully into her fast. Alex cried out and tossed her head back as her hips switched on him, trying unconsciously to accommodate his length.

"Fuck..." He mumbled, pressing his face into her shoulder. Both of his arms wrapped around her, bringing her tighter against him as her hips began to rock around in small circles. Her back arched in his hands and he loosened them, watching with his lips parted as she leaned her hands back on his knees.

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