Part 18

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"I don't think this is a good idea Alex."

She rolled her eyes at her phone as she continued packing with her cell phone propped against her shoulder. "It doesn't really matter what you think." She reminded him. "You gave up that right when you left." She looked around to make sure she was packing up everything she would need.

"Just because I left doesn't mean I don't care!" He protested. "You're still not all there and being out in the middle of nowhere by yourself isn't going to help! It's just going to make it worse."

Alex blew a strand of hair out of her face in exasperation. "This is as good as I'm ever going to get! This is the new normal!"

He sighed a deep breath on the other end of the line. "Alex...if you could just...move on-"

"You mean forget." She cut him off angrily, shoving the last of her cloths in her bag with less care than she had before. "I'm not forgetting! It changed me like it or not...just like every experience changes a person. If you can't except that than we shouldn't even be friends anymore!"

"Alex..." Her ex tried.

Clicking the disconnect button she threw the phone across her bed.

Alex sighed as she flipped on the stove to boil water for dinner before reaching for the phone that was ringing and vibrating across the counter. She looked at the caller id, shaking her head and rejecting the call.

A moment later her text went off and she sighed.

Broke up with Maggie. We need to talk.

She tossed her phone back down with a noise of irritation. Her mind was somewhere else and had been for the last week, trying to find that girl who was wandering around the parking lot. She had no doubt that she was high...super high and not on the settling herb that Alex used. Her heavily dilated pupils said it all. She frowned to herself as she reached up and grabbed and box of mac and cheese from the pantry.

She couldn't get her face out of her head or her voice when she told Alex to hide. She remembered the chapped sides of her mouth and the marks on her wrists. She remembered the way that Devon's hand had gripped her elbow. She wondered who he was; the one that would get her. What did that mean?

She nearly jumped as she felt a pair of warm, large, rough hands slid up her thighs a second before warm, smoky breath hit her ear.

"Skirt tonight huh? You're such a good little whore." Mac's voice muttered as he bit into her ear.

Alex gave a little grin. "How do you always manage to sneak in here!?" She tried her hardest to keep the smile out of her voice.

"I'm a bad man." His rough voice said almost tauntingly as his hand moved to the center of her back and slammed her forward onto the counter. Grinning evilly, he leaned forward and flipped the stove off. Growling to himself he ran his hands up her thighs and hiked the skirt up. Pursing his lips together he ran his hands up her ass squeezing it over the panties. "You really shouldn't wear these." He slipped his thumbs under the black lace along her cheeks watching as she shivered before pulling them down and grabbing them off her ankles.

Alex looked back at him in confusion pushing herself up on her elbows and watching him sticking them in his pocket. "What are you-" She was cut off as he pushed her down again to her chest, a surge of adrenaline coursing through her body.

Mac pushed his hips into her naked rear, enticing a small whimper from her. He leaned his body totally over hers and gripping her tiny ribs in his hands. "Already a little wet...I'm keeping 'em." He muttered in her ear as he ground his hips against her.

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