Part 14

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Alex leaned back over into one of the old chairs in the waiting room at the small garage in town, shaking her head as she looked at the itemized list of all of the things wrong with her car. She flipped the page and shook her head at the red line with the total at the bottom. She might as well buy a new car with the amount of damage done under the hood.

Glancing up through the old foggy window she caught sight of Mac leaning over one of the cars, his firm body half under the hood. She shook her head to try and alleviate thoughts of the drive back to her house after the cave...incident.

"Are you going to keep trying to scare me off?" She had asked him as he reached over and pulled the dirty bandana from over her eyes.

Mac smirked at her. "You gunna let me take another crack at that pussy if I don't?" Not that he would have let her stop him. No way in hell. She was too warm, too tight and squirmed under him just the right way. "This aint a relationship or whatever. Ali."

Alex had sighed. "Alex." She reminded him. "And trust me, I didn't think you were the relationship sort." She smiled and shook her head at him.

Getting up now she stepped over to the window and leaned against it, looking at her torn up car behind him.

Mac straightened up and glared at her for a moment until he followed her eyeline back towards her car, letting out a breath of relief that she really didn't seem to be taking his need to fuck her as a desire for anything more than that. Still he felt a pit of rage growing in his stomach as she turned her face back to the papers without so much as a look at him.

When he had dropped her off, she had climbed out of the cab of his truck without bothering to try to invite him in or asking for his phone number; a pleasant surprise. Licking his lips, he watched her ass as she climbed down from the high cab.

"Get back in." He'd told her sharply. She'd raised a dark eyebrow at him but had climbed back into the truck, settling herself back in the seat. "Now get out again." He told her, leaning forward as she did and letting the side of his lip curl into a grin.

Alex looked at him and shook her head as he starred at her ass. "You are such a pervert." She joked before walking into her house. He was pretty sure she'd put a little extra sway into her hips just for him.

Throwing the rag down onto the ford focus he was working on, he went back into the main room, slamming the door to get her and the man Kevin at the desk to look up at him. "I got her." He told Kevin.

The younger man nodded and scurried around the counter to get out of Mac's way as Alex looked back down at the papers. She tried hard to ignore the engine grease on his chest and the fact that he was wearing the same jumpsuit that he had gone at her in. Something about a man covered in grime: paint, grease, dirt, sweat...all of it was just too damn hot. Then there was the memory of that roar he had made in pleasure as he poured into her...

"Tell me the truth." She asked him, cutting off her own line of thought. "Should I just buy a new car?"

Mac pulled the papers away from her and looked down the list of necessary repairs, letting out a long, loud breath as he did. "No...I can take care of most of this for you. If..."

Alex looked at the evil smirk that passed over his face. "If?"

"If you let me cum on that pretty little ass of yours during my lunch break."

Alex felt her lips part before she could stop them. His smirk spread wider as his fingers drummed on the dingy old counter. "As sweet a proposal as that is and as much as I'd loved to get fucked against a dark alley wall, I've got shit to do today." She reminded him, narrowing her eyes at him playfully. "I'll get a rental."

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