Part 19

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Alex closed her car door slowly as she stood outside of the bar. She had been sure not the come here for the past week, her memories of the curious young woman Reggie in her mind along with Mac's threatening hold on her chin. Still, she couldn't help herself. She frowned as she looked around the dusty parking lot at twilight, the sun leaving the sky over the rock formations behind it and darkness starting to roll in. She glanced over, green eyes taking in the apartments on the other side of the lot.

Devon sat on the old porch by one of the doors, his arms resting on his knees as she stared at him probably more openly than she had intended. He rose slowly and leaned against one of the rails, watching as she tore her eyes away from him and looked at the door that he sat next to. She cocked her head to the side and he felt his eyes widen.

There was something about the little woman...and her lack of fear that worried him. Mac, the devil himself, had managed to scare her away from the caves but not from the town. That should be enough. Still, the way she was looking at the door with those already-dead-inside eyes....

He gripped the railing with a frown before she looked away and wandered over to the back of the bar.

Alex slipped through the brush, the small thorns catching and digging into the rough skinny jeans. She bent down into them slowly and looked at one of the bushes, reaching out and touching a blood darkened thorn with the tips of her fingers.

Red blood soaking into the dusty excuse for a road.

"No matter how far you run...You'll never get away. I'll always been in there." Fingers tapped her split temple.

Yeah, Reggie was real and she was in that room. She tilted her head to the side and stretched her neck as she vaguely heard her name from some distant part of her it wasn't her name.

Mac frowned and pushed his lips together as he saw her kneeling down in the field. Slowly she took a small digital camera from her pocket and snapped and picture, looking at it closely.

"Ali." He said again stepping out into the field as the rest of his friends from the garage made their way inside. "What are you fucking doing now?" He hissed as he bent down on his hunches and looked at where her fingers played on the thorns.

He watched her face as she looked at it as if she could feel or see something in the dried blood. She pricked her finger on it before lifting it and looking at the trickle of a warm crimson drop. Lifting it to her lips she sucked the blood off and looked at his confused, brooding face. His eyes focused on her finger in between her small, full lips.

Grabbing her elbow he pulled her up. "Come on crazy bitch." He grumbled. Glancing to the side to make sure they weren't being watched before bringing her finger up to his mouth and sucking the sweet metallic blood from the prick. She watched as his eyes closed for a split second, tilting her head to the side in question. "Sweetest blood I've ever tasted." He muttered, pulling away and dropping her hand.

Alex nodded, more to herself than him. "I have a lot of it." She muttered. "You'd be surprised how much a little person can bleed."

Mac let a little smirk slip onto his face. "Would I be?" He muttered thinking about all of his kills. Chuckling to himself he couldn't help but think of how sick this girl perfectly sick.


Alex leaned over her coffee table as she pulled up articles online of anything she could find about the siblings. She frowned as she scrolled down useless information about their schools and Devon's degrees. She scrolled through pictures of them and their friends on old facebook pages and online yearbooks.

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