Part 13

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Smut warning guys.  

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She held one of the other women close at her said, arm around her naked waist to support her while the other clenched at her own ribs, bleeding badly from the run. She could feel her breaths echoing in her chest, against the pain of her ribs. Her body begged her to just lay down and let the end come. Her hard beating heart echoed the call, pleading with her for relief.

"We have to go in there." She gasped at the other woman who still had enough physical strength to stand. Emotionally it was something else though. Emotionally she had already given into her own mind and bodies demands...the firm knowledge that there was no point in fighting anymore.

When she got no response she pulled at her hand, coating the blond woman's wrist with her blood as she heard the shouts behind them getting louder and louder.

Alex looked at the dark hole in the earth, so much bigger than the one she had descended into two days ago. She tilted her head to the side as she looked at it, the cool breeze coming out and rustling her loose hair. She felt safe in caves. They had saved her in the past and she wasn't going to let that get taken away from her again by someone who her logical mind was telling her probably wasn't even real. If he was...

Take a deep breath, face my fears.

She clenched her hands in and out before slowly stepping into the caves. She closed her eyes as her body was cocooned by the rocks. "It's not real." She reminded herself. She hugged her arms around her before moving deeper into the caves.

Mac frowned when he heard footsteps echoing though the cavern and the tunnels, looking up from his work and pulling the mask up over his head. He listened again to catch the sound. It was light but there was someone in here. Grabbing his knife, he pushed away from the table with a growl.

She opened her eyes, squinting instantly at the bright rays that passed through the hole in the earth above her blinking at it quickly and trying to find her baring's. She looked down her own battered and torn body to see a young boy sitting next to her, pressing a cloth against her ribs. He had stopped the bleeding.

Her lips parted to speak...something but the boy looked up at her with his dark face and put a small thick finger to his lips, willing her to be silent in the universal language. Slowly she put her hands behind her and pulled herself out of the sun against the stone wall. The little boy followed her movements, holding the completely red black cloth to her worst open injury.

Alex walked slowly through the cave not bothering with a flashlight as she let herself get used to the enveloping darkness. "It's not real." She whispered again as she heard foot steps.

Looking up she could make out the tiny figure of the boy again, looking at her and motioning for her to come in a way that she knew all too well. She shook her head sadly at him but he nodded and motioned harder. Sighing she gave up and followed him, her steps speeding up when he started to move fast. "Wait!" She found herself calling out even though the mantra was repeating over and over again in her head. She knew what was at the end of his run: a gun shot and eyes flaming out.

Alex ran after the phantom little boy as fast as her legs could carry her. She jumped over the red rocks, feet moving with a mind of their own to keep her balance as she pushed across the cavern walls. "Stop!" She yelled out, panting and finally slowing as the little boy did. "Don't go that-" Her words stopped as the little boy ran through a figure in front of him.

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