Part 21

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Devon watched as Reggie stood by the window in a daze, her glassy eyes running over the parking lot in the late night. They had been keeping her complacent with drugs...lots of drugs when she kept struggling and crying against her biddings, ripping her wrists and the sensitive skin on the corners of her mouth. Shooting her up kept her calm, though sometimes close to comatose.

"What are you looking for?" He asked as Reggie ran her fingers along the glass.

"The angel girl." Reggie breathed, not taking her eyes from the parking lot.

"Angel girl?" He repeated. Reggie nodded dreamily. "Who's the angel girl?" He asked eyes narrowing.

Reggie shrugged and played with a the old fraying shades. "She...she's a fallen angel."

Devon frowned and looked out the window. " know you see things. There's no angel."

Reggie shook her head, sending her light brown waves around her. "There is."

"What did she look like?" Devon asked her.


Alex jumped slightly when she felt a hand gripping the back waistband of her jeans and pull her back against a hard body. "Bet I left hand marks on you last night." Said an amused, gruff voice.

She smiled at the smell of smoke that passed over her ears. "I bet you did." She murmured. "Nice big hand marks all across my ass."

Mac grinned to himself with pride. "Got you something." He told her, reaching into his deep pocket and pulling out an object and held it around her, leaning his face over her shoulder to watch her. "New phone." He muttered.

Alex smiled and took it as his other hand snaked around holding her to him by her stomach. She turned it on, biting her lip as she looked at his face out of the corner of her eye. "Thanks....even though you broke the first one." She squeaked out a breath as his hand tightened, pushing her breath out of her. Smiling she checked to see if her contacts had uploaded. She tried to hide it when she saw that the only contact in the phone read 'Mac'.

Mac snagged her earlobe in between his teeth as he spoke. "You tell me if that mother fucker calls or texts you."

Alex shook her head, causing his teeth to pull at her ear. "Why so you can kill him?" She asked with a tint of humor in her voice.

Mac shrugged. "Aint gunna kill him....cut off his balls yeah. If he bleeds out that aint my problem."

Alex gave a little smile before turning. "You really are a bad man." She said. "You'd do it wouldn't you?"

Mac raised his eyebrows, working his jaw in amusement. "That a problem?"

Alex gripped his shirt, weaving her fingers into the rough fabric. She looked down at his chest as he lifted her and set her on the countertop. "No..." She pulled him in close and pressed her lips hard to his.

His large hand automatically came up to her chin and tilted her face up to kiss her deeper, tongue plunging in and out of her mouth. His other hand moved and gripped around the back of her neck, rendering her unable to pull away. Not that she would have wanted to. Her legs wrapped around his waist and yanked him, pulling him closer as he grunted.

Mac groaned as her legs pulled him in. He didn't think any woman had ever actually wanted him this badly...not even the whores that he paid for it. Her fingers tugged at his short strands of hair. Leaning forward he pushed her small body under him on the counter, ready for her again already. One of the benefits of being with a traumatized girl was that she had no qualms about his sex addiction because it made her forget too.

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