Part 26

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Mac looked down at his bloody knuckles, crawling on the inside of his lip as he rinsed them off in the cluttered small bathroom of the Luna Mesa. He needed a drink and needed another fight...something possibly more violent. The blood trickled into the time-worn yellow looking sink, spiraling down the sides and around the drain before disappearing. Some of the rocks and gravel from the caves came dislodged. His mind went vaguely to the few drops of blood that escaped Alex's raw flesh.

He grunted a sigh to himself and looked up in the mirror at his scruffy, worn appearance. Working his fingers over his facial hair he ran his tongue along his teeth, little mole above his lip moving. What was he thinking going after a girl like that? Strong, pretty, smart, inwardly... powerful. He looked up as the song on the jut box played and became louder in the main room, grinding his jaws together.

Maybe she'd be out there having a drink to calm herself. He wouldn't say anything to her. He'd just look at her and glare. He'd be loud, yelling and bellowing at people and the waitress's to make sure she knew he was there. He'd plow his shoulder into her as she passed just for some physical contact. She'd never be able to ignore him. Finally, she'd have enough and crawl back to him on her hands and knees, begging for his dick like she should have been this afternoon.

Pushing the door open he shouldered the first person who got in his way out of his path, grunting and snarling, eyes on fire but face shut down in a deadly mask of morbid calm. Pound his way over to the pool tabling where some of his buddies from the garage were racking up a new game he snatched up an out offered stick and watched as the balls were formed, leaning on the queue while looking around the night time crowd of the bar. It seemed like more than half of the town was here, including the woman he had backhanded in the caves. She looked at him, eyes widening and than down and away quickly, scurrying off. He expected Harley to be there licking his wounds and begging for a woman to lick...other things as he was known to do.

No Alex. No nothing...just Devon smirking at him from the bar. "Little Prick." Mac mumbled to himself.

Leaning over the table he took the first shot and broke the balls, rubbing his lips together. Normally that made him smirk with satisfaction and gloat at his boys but he wasn't happy tonight. Glancing up he saw a few of them looking at him nervously.

"What?" He snapped. One of the guys frowned and glanced at Devon at the bar. "Don't look at him. You got something to say, say it to me!" He snarled.

"We saw Harley." He said quickly. This time Mac did smirk. "He was talking to Devon...and came over here preaching about how he was going to get laid."

Mac frowned and leaned over the table again, lining up his next shot. "So?"

A few of the guys shifted making his eyes dart up and him miss his shot with a venomous curse. "He might have mentioned something about going to visit that chick Alexandra."

"How long ago?" Mac stiffened, his fingers tightening around the queue murderously. His eyes darted over to his half-brother who was hiding his shit eating grin behind a beer.

"Half an hour...maybe more."

"And you're just telling me this now!?" Slamming the pool queue down on the table he charged back to the doors. He wanted to beat the shit out of Devon, sure that he was responsible. At the same time, he felt a stab of panic growing in his gut, knowing what Harley could do...and probably would after the beating he had just delivered.

Alex looked up as she heard steps in her house, frowning to herself. She pushed up from the toilet seat she was using as a seat while she looked over some of the pictures she was redeveloping after her hurricane of flying paper earlier.

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