Part 24

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Alex smiled as she felt a hard chest press her against the kitchen counter. She turned her head over her shoulder and rubbed her face against the scruffy chin that was leaning down to nibble on her ear murderously. "You're starting to repeat yourself Mac." She murmured. "You've already had me against the counter."

Mac smirked. "I know...we're going to do something different today." She involuntarily shivered against him at the promising words and he grinned at it the high he was riding on unbelievably extricated by her smell and skin. Twisting his hand onto one of the big pockets of his jump suit he pulled out the object and started looping it around her wrists quickly and methodically, leaving her no time to react.

Alex's eyes shot open. "Mac, what the fuck it that?" She knew her voice was already losing its control...and not in a good way. Her heart rate picked up and banged against her ribs like a mad drum that she couldn't stop as a crushing memory came through her consciousness.

Mac licked her ear again, puling at it with his teeth the way he knew she liked. "You'll like it..." He coaxed in her ear. "When has that tight little pussy not liked anything I've done?"

Alex felt her nerve endings firing with fear. She yanked at her wrists hard as she heard her own screams in her ears. "Take them off. I'm not kidding."

Mac spun her around, his usual dominance kicking in as he grabbed her neck and kissed her hard, grinding her mouth against his. He plunged his tongue past her frozen lips, prying them open and waiting for the inevitable moment when his taste and need would bring her back to reality.

She didn't feel any of it, even as his teeth nipped at her lips and then jaw. She yanked at the rope around her wrists harder, struggling against its hold and beginning to dig into her own flesh like a mad woman.

"String her up good. She looks like a fighter."

She pulled her face away from him and cast her neck to the side and away. His hot breath tickled her skin and she was sure it was fire, burning, searing and scorching. She yanked farther away, jarring her tiny arms against the cold counter.

Mac grinned and gave her a tug by her throat, too high and to excited to notice that the shivers passing over her were actually shivers of fear. He pulled her by the ropes towards the bedroom. "Let me show you how a man treats a pussy." He growled, liking how she struggled and fought.

"Get her into the room!"

"NO!" She yanked hard away, almost falling to the carpeted floor.

Mac grinned. "I love it when you fight me!" He growled.

Her hands were hosted over her head while she fought against the two men dragging her.

She shook her head hard. This was not happening...none of it was happening. It was Mac. She knew she shouldn't but she trusted him somehow. "Stop Mac!"

He grinned, too excited to notice that she wasn't playing. Even if he did he might have not cared though. The idea of her tied up and completely at his mercy was mind-numbingly hot after his thoughts in the cave earlier. He needed to remember what she was...just a woman. Just something to fuck. "No." He yanked the rope around as she continued to struggle against him.

Alex pushed hard against his hardback, trying to get free, making him stagger forward just a step before he spun around and grabbed her angrily. His eyes were huge, dilated with whatever it was he had taken and she couldn't help but think that they looked a bit like Reggie's drug exposed iris's. Grabbing her harshly he flipped her over his shoulder, her tiny body held so tight it was almost painful as she tried to struggle against him.

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