Part 9

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Mac stood over the still form of the girl. She was dusty, dirty and bloody. It looked like she had protected her head while she was falling, her arms taking the majority of the impact and rocks battering. Small rocks and stones were embedded into some of the cut and skinned flesh.

Using his boot he pushed her onto her back, looking at the torn t-shirt. Her jeans were low on her hips and he could see a cut along her hip and stomach as well. It didn't look like it was bleeding too much. Her hair was everywhere, colored by the dirt in it.

He rubbed the back of his head with the thin, sharp, metal pipe as he looked at her still face while he stood straddling her legs. It would be so easy...take what he wanted. She was passed out. She'd never know...she'd just attribute the soreness he'd pound into her to the fall. Or he could kill her...end his problem and his newest addiction.

Lifting the pipe he looked down at her shallow breathing chest. He licked his lips and began the downward plunge before stopping inches from her. Her little body twisted for a moment, a low moan escaping her as she tried to roll to her side.

"Shit...stupid bitch." He muttered. He pulled the pipe away and rubbed his face with his other hand. "Come on..." He muttered bringing both of his hands up on the rod and poising it again.

Her hazy green eyes fluttered open, trying to see through the pain but barely registering. Everything was throbbing around her, her hear beat in her ears echoing through the world around her. "Mac?" She rasped out.

He pressed his lips together as her eyes went half closed and rolled back. Hurling the pipe to the side angrily he dropped down over her legs, yanking the shirt she was wearing up. He took in the damage on her stomach. It was slow bleeding, nothing internal. He ran his hands up her stomach to the wire of the mangled bra. Pushing his fingers under it he lifted her back up and she made a little noise of pain.

"Shut up." He muttered as he pushed his hands along the clasp and undid it, tossing it to the side. He ran his hands down her now bareback, keeping her body angled up as he checked for more wounds. Nothing felt that bad, even though his hands dampened from the layers of blood and sweat. "Dirty girl." He muttered with a smirk to himself as dropped her body not to gently back to the ground.

Alex tried to hold onto some semblance of awareness as images passed over her. She couldn't hold onto his face as her eyes fluttered, trying to stay open for more than fractions of a second at a time. The face was changing too fast for her to grasp onto, making the nausea in her stomach churn worse. It moved from Mac's to the white mask before changing again into the face covered with white skin and no features. No lips, no eyes, no mouth and no nose. No facial hair or distinctive features at all. She reached up and tried to feel for them but her hand and arm failed.

Mac watched as the hand found his face, fingertips brushing at his chin gently as though trying to find something before failing miserably. He ran his hands around and felt at her breasts for a moment, filling his hands with them before pulling regretfully out of her shirt. "Come on." He muttered. He slid and hand under her shoulders again. He hauled her up, gripping under her thighs and ass, giving it a firm squeeze for his own amusement.

Alex took a deep shuttering breath, trying to hold onto something besides the pain in her all of her body. She could feel the air under her, the warmth and sweat from another body. She didn't like being carried, she never liked it. It felt unsteady and out of control. Reach up with sore arms she wrapped an arm around the faceless man's neck. Something squeezed her ass again and she let out a noise of muffled pain.

Mac frowned as he carried her over to his truck, her bloody arms wrapping uncomfortably around his thick dirty neck. "You're asking for it." He grumbled as she squirmed in his arms.

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