Part 16

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She ran her fingers over the stacks of crisp papers and pamphlets on her kitchen table, fingering them apart slowly as she looked at the glossy photo finish on them. She tilted her head to the side and took in the blue and white dressed doctors in their surgical masks, looking for too clean and fresh to be the real thing.

Glancing up she looked at her boyfriend as he leaned against the sink, a bowl of cereal in his hand as he watched her. "What are these?" She asked quietly as she picked one up.

Toby chewed on his mouthful of cereal, his eyes intent on her. "Plastic surgeons." He said carelessly and with a shrug but he was watching her reaction closely... She could feel it.

Alex nodded and opened one up slowly, looking at the glistening clean scalpel pictured. "Why?"

Toby looked back down into the bowl. "We talked about this already. You have a lot of scaring baby."

Alex furrowed her eyebrows, still looking at the razor edge. Running her tongue across her suddenly dry looked she looked over at him as the cereal crunched in his mouth. "You can't see them if I'm wearing cloths." She said, glancing at the barely there scaring from the ropes that had rigged her up for weeks. They would fade in time, just like the ones on her arms and shallower cuts and burns on her legs.

Toby sighed and shook his head. "But you're not always wearing cloths baby. What about the beach, what about swimming....what about sex?"

Alex twisted her neck as she looked at the next page, promising larger breasts, implants, scar removal and hair removal. She looked at the picture of the red hot laser that was used in some of the surgeries. It was seemed very glamorous. "I don't want any more people digging into me." She tossed the pamphlet on the table with the others. "Even if they are doctors."

Toby put the bowl down in the sink before walking around the table and putting his hands on her slender shoulders. His fingers found the cigar scar without trying to, making her flinch. He pressed his lips into the top of her hair, looking down at the array of options. She put her hand over his on her shoulder, still looking forward, silently begging for support.

"Once you do this... You'll be beautiful again." He muttered comfortingly into her hair, turning his cheek so that it rested against the top of her head. Pulling away he gave her shoulders a squeeze before turning and leaving the room.

She closed her eyes and took a shuttering breath, making her chest rise and fall unevenly. Bracing both of her hands on the flimsy table she bit into her lip. Suddenly her hands jetted out in anger and despair, sending the glossy, shinning photo finished papers and the cheap table across the room and flying into the air.

Mac pushed his teeth together as he griped back on Alex's hip in the bed of his truck. His hips pumped hard, pounding against her as he pushed himself as deep as he could go. It was a hard, punishing rhythm that he was sure would pop his tires but it was worth it to make the woman in front of him moan the way she was.

She made the most amazing noises, so amazing that he had driven the truck out into the desert so he could make her scream as loud as he could. She liked it like that...not that it would have really stopped him if she didn't be somehow the fact that she was enjoying his harshness made it that much more pleasurable.

He let out a deep guttural grunt as her hips pushed back against his hard, cute little ass hitting his pelvis and pushing him in deeper than he had even gone before. Alex cried out as he gripped her hips and a handful of her hair tighter, holding her back against him deep as he squirmed his hips to hit the deepest parts in her.

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