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CHRISTINA CLENCHED her teeth, pushing down a groan of pain as Paxton bent her arms behind her back in a very uncomfortable way. After a moment of Paxton and his partner murmuring among themselves, the alarm suddenly went off.

Paxton grabbed his radio; "We got a 10-33 at Pym Tech!" Smacking Gale's arm they ran off. "Requesting immediately backup!"

After a moment, Kurt and Dave slowly began to rise from the pavement. "Go, go, go!" Dave hushed, springing to his feet. Christina groaned, rubbing her wrists as she stood.

While Kurt dove into the back of the van, Dave slammed the doors shut, pushing Chris to the driver's side of the van. "You drive! Go!"

"I—what?" Christina blinked before remembering what was initially at stake here. "Right!"

Putting the van in gear, Christina pressed on the gas.

WHEN THEY were sure that no other police were following them, they rounded back to the Pym Tech building, only to find it nearly-destroyed. "What the hell happened?" Christina asked, just as her eyes landed on a tank that had a clip attached to the back of it.

Knowing Hank, she wasn't at all surprised.

They stopped, and Luis ran up to the vehicle in a panic. He opened the side door, joining Kurt in the back.

"Wait a minute!" Paxton shouted in the distance towards them, "Get out of the van!"

"What?" Luis responded, sticking his head back out.

"Get out that van!" Paxton repeated, now chasing after them with Gale.

"It's too loud, there's a tank!" Luis grabbed for the door handle, starting to pull it shut. "I can't hear you!"

Starting to panic, Christina slammed on the gas, making the tires screech against the pavement. "Let's go, let's go!"

"How's Scott doing?" Christina yelled, weaving in and out of the other drivers on the road. Kurt looked around in a panic, swallowing heavily. When no one answered her, her head sprung to the side. "Luis!"

"Yeah?" Luis blinked, glancing at her in a daze. "What!"

"How is Scott?" She repeated with more authority, brows furrowing.

"H-He's good! Scotty is good." Luis nodded, almost speaking more to himself than to her.

"You better hope so, cause if he dies I'm gonna kill him."

AFTER A long and anxious night, Christina had learned that Scott shrunk between the molecules to destroy Darren's Yellow Jacket suit. Thankfully, he had returned to normal size and promptly whisked himself away to the safety of Cassie and his ex-wife.

Now, the next day, Hank, Scott, Hope and Christina were all gathered in the common area, discussing the events of the previous day.

Hank shook his head, seated across Scott. "You don't remember anything?"

Scott scoffed in disbelief, shaking his head. "Hank, I don't."

"There must be something else," Hank pried.

Christina and Hope shared a glance in silence, both standing by the door. Hope's brows furrowed in thought as she looked away.

"Well," Hank sighed as he leaned back in his chair. "I suppose the human mind just can't comprehend the experience, made it."

Christina smiled softly.

"You went in, and you got out." his words reduced to a soft hum. "It's amazing."

Chris felt a slight nudge on her shoulder and she looked to see Hope jut her chin towards Scott. Nodding once, she approached him. "Scott, I'm sure Hope and Hank would like to be left alone for now. C'mon, I'll walk you out."

Scott smiled back at her, before giving one last glance at Hank. He gently tapped his knee before standing, "Get some rest."

When the door closed, leaving the father and daughter together, Hank shook his head. "Is it possible?"

Hope sighed, only shrugging her shoulders. The two studied the photo of Hank and his wife before he attempted to get up. With the aid of Hope, the two made their way towards the door.

Upon opening it, they were both shooked to see Scott and Christina still standing at the threshold...kissing.

Christina jumped back when the door swung open, and she blinked in shock. The back of her hand pressed against her lips as if suddenly realizing what she was doing.

"When did this happen?" Hank questioned, getting protective over Christina.

"Um, n-nothing's happening, Hank." Christina stuttered, wiping her sweaty palms against her pant leg.

Scott gave her a look. "Hold on, woah. Something's kinda happening."

"Well, if that's the case, shoot me again." Hank deadpanned, making Hope snicker quietly.

As Chris' cheeks flushed with embarrassment, Scott suddenly scolded her. "Yeah. I don't know what you were doing, grabbing and kissing me like that—"

"What?!" She gasped, leaning back. "You grabbed me!"

"—I'm a little surprised myself. I have to get somewhere. I'll see you later, Hank. See ya, Hope."

As Scott descended the stairs, Hank called after him. "Scott?"


"You're full of shit."

"Oh, yeah."

good day to anyone who hasn't
abandoned this fic like i did (yikes)
anyways, i got a tattoo today. yay :)

also my apologies for the shorter part!!

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