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          "SO, NOW what?" Scott asked, glancing between Hank and Hope.

Hank smiled, looking at Hope. "You'll see."

Scott leaned forward, watching the cameras at Burch and his men talking. In the middle of their conversation, one man suddenly was hit to the side, landing on the table before falling over.

Another camera turned, zooming in on Christina, who was now in her uniform...flying.

"Hold on, you gave her wings?"

Hope leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms with a smirk. "Damn right we did."

          CHRISTINA GREW to her normal size, punching a henchman in front of her. Twisting back, she blasted a repulsor at another behind her, knocking him down. For a split second, she shrunk down to push him another over, slamming him into a table.

Return back, she eyed another guard running at her. Jumping on someone's back, she twisted skillfully to kick him in the face. Christina repeated her actions; shrinking down before attacking each one by one.

Burch watched in fear as she twisted, kicked, punched and blasted through his men. He gasped as he saw Christina grow to normal size, landing on a man's shoulders. Throwing her body to one side, the two fell together. When Christina was on her back, she used her feet to push him off of her and into the air. He landed on a sculpture of rocks.

Christina turned when she heard the click of a gun. In a slight panic, she took off into the air, reducing her size once more before heading towards the chandelier on the ceiling.

All the men shot at it before Burch cried out; "Not my turn-of-the-century chandelier!" When they didn't cease firing, he waved his hand. "Stop firing! Stop!"

Christina stopped on a jewel, panting. Narrowing her eyes, she watched as Burch handed off the money and component to his closest bodyguard. "All right, take this. Go, go, go, go!"

She launched herself off the chandelier, flying straight towards the kitchen where they retreated to. Landing full size on the table, she craned her neck looking at Uzman; Burch's man.

He gasped before turning and running towards the exit in the kitchen. Swiping a salt shaker off the table, she blasted it with a blue disk, enlarging it drastically. It blocked the exit before Uzman could reach it, and he bounced off the glass.

When another member of Burch's team entered the kitchen, he grabbed a nearby knife before throwing it at her. Christina jumped into the air, shrinking down to avoid the blade. Using her wings, she turned her body to run off the length of it. She avoided two other knives before returning to full size.

Using the palm of her hand, Chris smacked the handle of a pot on an element, hitting the guy in the face. Going small again, she landed on top of a table. Christina looked up, staring at a man with a mallet in his grasp.

She bounced on her toes for a moment before diving forward to avoid getting hit. Travelling across a cutting board, she slid on the wet surface before lowering to her back and sliding under another.

Spotting a bottle of oil, she jumped off it to squirt some at a nearby stove. A flame shot up, catching another man's sleeve. Christina grew big again, jumping off the table and jumping on him. The two fell and she somersaulted off him to her feet.

Punching another guard down, she ducked as another swung a pan at her. Leaning back, she hugged his arm to her chest before smacking his nose with her free hand. Pushing his arm away, she used the pan to hit another person in the face, easily knocking them out.

Ripping the pan out of his hand, she winded up and knocked him out next. When the last two ran at her, she kicked up her leg, hitting one in the face and swung at pan at the other.

When all were down at out, she huffed, switching off her mask and dropping the cast iron with a heavy clang.

Grabbing the money and the device, she exited the kitchen and made her way towards the doors.

          "SO, WINGS and blasters? I take it you didn't have that tech for me?"

"No, we did." Hank and Hope both replied simultaneously, making Scott frown.

          "IT'S A pleasure doing business with you, Sonny." Christina placed the money on the table in front of the man before striding off.

"Oh, our business isn't finished yet, Christine. I can assure you of that!" He called out after her.

Christina rolled her eyes, ignoring him. When she was close to the doors, her eyes squinted as a person in an off-white body suit suddenly appeared, out of nowhere. She stopped, tilting her head.

For a moment, she thought they were with Burch, but when he asked what was that, she grew nervous. The figure strode towards her before disappearing once more. Her head jutted back in confusion. Taking in a deep breath, her helmet once again covered her head.

She waited until the figure reappeared in front of her, before lifting her arm. Her attempt to blast them failed as they phased through her. They grabbed for the device, and she twisted to punch them away.

The person stumbled back in shock before going in for their own punch. Christina leaned away, almost letting go when they grabbed the case. Letting them have it, she shrunk down to kick them in the middle of their mask.

A feminine groan escaped and Christina realized it was another woman fighting her. Returning to full size, she grabbed for the case before kicking the woman across the head. The woman phased away, leaving Christina to almost fall over from the momentum.

Having the case in hand once again, she looked around widely. "You guys seeing this shit?"

"Chris, get out of there! Now!" Hank yelled back in her comm. Making another turn for the exit, she was taken off guard when the woman reappeared, grabbing her around the waist and hoisting her into the air.

The two fell back, leaving Christina's back to hit a table as the other woman vanished. She groaned in pain before rolling off the table. Pushing the case behind her, she stood to her feet to face the other person.

Glancing over her shoulder, Christina shrunk down for a moment to get behind a serving cart before kicking at the woman. It phased through her and Chris scrambled for the device she needed.

"I have to do something!" she heard Scott panic in her ear.

"Wait!" Hank called after, before some shuffling was heard. She shook her head, blocking out their voice and tried to focus on defeating whoever this anonymous woman was.

Christina jumped to her feet, spinning in all directions to try and pinpoint her. When she phased back, the woman grabbed at her.

Chris gasped, shrinking down to insect size; dropping the case too. The one in white bent down to grab it and Christina returned to full size. Her blast hit the suit, not affecting the girl as she pushed Chris away.

When her back smacked the collum behind her, Christina hissed when her head banged against the marble. The woman's fist reeled back and she shut her eyes awaiting the impact.

A blunt noise made Chris open her eyes, seeing Scott hold back the woman's fist. He was wearing Hank's Antman suit once again, making Christina smile.

IT TAKES TWO ▹ SCOTT LANG ⁶Where stories live. Discover now