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CHRISTINA DID a quick backflip before shrinking down and activating her wings. She gasped as a moving car quickly sped over her. Grunting in frustration, she angled her body up, flying over the road and watching from there.

Ava opened the side door to the van, seeing a truck slowly pass them. Jumping to it, she slammed the lab building through the side window, forcing the driver to jump out from the passenger side.

Turning her head, Christina watched Hank's van suddenly swerve before crashing into two parked cars. Shifting her eyes back, the truck Ava was in turned down another street. "She's heading Westbound on Fremont. You guys alright?"

"She got the lab." Hank huffed over the comms, seeming tired.

Christina flew down to the truck. Entering through the broken window, she seated herself beside Ava before growing to normal size. Just as she grabbed the lab, Ava seized her wrist, twisting it sharply.

She gritted her teeth, shooting a blaster at Ava's mask, but it was futile.

"Christina! Wait!" Scott yelled on the other side of the comm, followed by the fluttering of ant wings.

Ava reached over with her other hand, grabbing Christina's arm to pull her into her side. Ava wrapped her arm around her head, trying to put her in a headlock. Chris quickly shrunk down, freeing herself.

Scott rounded the vehicle, jumping off the insect before landing on the windshield wiper. Ava sharply turned her head. Quick a quick flip, she activated the blades, sending Scott back and forth as washer fluid spray over him.

Just as Christina reemerged big, she swung a punch and missed Ava as she disappeared. The truck swerved to the left, forcing Chris to scoot into the driver's seat to take the wheel.

Ava yelled out as she suddenly grabbed her from behind. Christina shrunk again as the truck slammed into a nearby car. Ava took the wheel once more, using her powers to let the blasts from Christina go through her.

They fought over the lab for a few seconds before Scott suddenly grew. Both women paused, staring at him.

Scott punched through the windshield, hitting Ava square in the face. She let go of the lab, making it fly out of the window. Christina went for it, diving out of the truck's back window to grab it.

She balanced on the edge of the tailgate, nearly falling off. Ava tore off her mask inside the truck, using a toolbox to press down on the gas pedal. Phasing out of the truck, she went for Christina.

Behind her, Christina watched Scott suddenly shrink again. An SUV slammed into the vehicle, making Christina's body fly back into it's window painfully. Sonny cried out as he grabbed the lab from her.

They hit the breaks, making Christina's body fling off and roll down the street. Groaning in pain, she sat up. "Burch got the lab. He's getting away now!"

She took off into the air, on Sonny's tail. After doing a few turns, she grunted, "Scott, where are you? I'm close to Burch, but I need you to hurry!"

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" He rushed back.

"Guys?" Luis suddenly spoke up, seeming nervous.

"We found the remote to the lab," Hope added in after with an angry sigh.

"Get it to us fast! We're almost out of time!" Christina nearly yelled above the wind.

"How are we gonna get to you? The van's busted."

"Use the Hot Wheels Rally case," Scott answered Luis.

For the next few minutes, both Scott and Christina listened to Luis and Hope, picking a car and get chased by Burch's men.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," Hope woozily comments after Luis drove towards a slanted road, gaining some airtime.

"We're going down Pacific. Burch's boys are all over me." Luis tells the team, glancing over his shoulder.

"I'll come to you," Christina told before looking up at Scott. "You get the lab."

Scott nodded before the two parted ways.

It took less than a minute to locate the large SUV tailing Luis and Hope. Christina broke through the back window, landing in the back seat before growing full size. The men around her jumped before she shrunk.

The man on her left cocked back his gun, accidentally smacking the other man in the face with it. Growing again, she leaned forward to kick them both in the face, rendering them unconscious.

Using her wings, Christina broke the window with her feet. Grabbing onto the door, she swung around outside the vehicle before diving back in through the driver's side. Shrinking, she flew away.

The driver flopped over as Chris left the vehicle. Glancing back, the car swerved to the side and crashed into multiple bike racks.

Hope rolled down her window, allowing Chris to fly in and grow back to normal in the back seat. Taking off her helmet, both smiled back at her.

A CHILL of dread ran down Christina's spine as they pulled up to the docks. Scott, now giant again as leaning against the edge while the rest of his body was in the water. He extended his arm, pushing the lab across the ground and onto the street.

"He's too big," Hope gasped, scrambling to get out of the car when Luis stopped.

They three yelled their names, staring up at him. Scott blinked his eyes, swaying around heavily.

"I'm...gonna go to sleep..." He mumbled, starting to tip back. "I'm just gonna go to sleep, now. Give me five minutes. I-I just need five minutes."

Turning sharply on his feet, Scott reared back and fell into the water.

"You get the lab somewhere safe," Hope tapped Luis' chest before glancing at the water. "I—"

She paused, watching Christina sprint towards the water. She did a small jump, shrinking down and flying over the gathered crowd. Once she was over the water, she grew normally and dove into the water.

Through the debris, she landed on his helmet, knocking on his eye glass a few times. When he didn't respond, she moved to his belt.

Pushing back the regulator button, she quickly overroad the functions to shrink him down to ant size. She swirled from the suction. "C'mon, Scott. Where are you?"

Spotting him in the dirt, she swam forward to pick up him.

Once they were both on land and Scott was normal again, she propped him up against a bench.

She flipped back his helmet, patting his chest. "Scott, can you hear me?"

Giving his shoulder a small shake, his eyes slowly fluttered open. Christina smiled before laughing awkwardly. "Hey, Scott."

He registered her, bobbing his head. "Hey,"

Without thinking, she leaned in, pressing their lips together.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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