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Winter was breathing chills on us. I felt like a snowman my limbs were frozen and my face red as an apple. Wishing for the sun kisses to shower on us.

"You look changed." Leah looked me upside down.

"Might be the haircut?" I replied.

"I see something else on your face."

"What?" I anticipated for her answer.

"Love." She laughed. You look pretty. She paused. "Who are you trying to look good to." 

"Leah!" I said in a teased tone.

We are late for class. Jess ran to us." She is as always worried for us, skipping classes. And she knows we will make her skip them along with us.

I looked around searching for him, the same guy who was on the top of my most ignored list despite of him staring still at me like I got beard oozing out of my jaw line. It seems like that time has revolted against me. I stood there, alone in a crowd, eyes searching like a radar, heart active like an antenna. A red organ inside my chest trapped, restless. Just waiting to be out. And I cannot give up. And there, I had found him sitting from where the world could see him shining like a star.

And there he was, on a fine cloudy day,  wearing sun glasses. I chuckled. Crazy, A thought slimed through my thoughts. I walked towards him. He smiled from a far.

I freezed in my snickers as Isabelle walked up to him. I looked at them with my thoughts having conflicts with what I see and what he says, he is Lucifer on earth.

Maybe, other time. I reversed back.

Jess! I yelled.

"I told you not to yell my name from a far."

"Jess? Sam is friends with Zen right?"

"How can you say?"
"Are they not class fellows."
"Might be, I will ask him." 

A minute and so Jess and I went to the library it was cold out and inside the rooms were warm. We sat there for an hour or so and Jess cannot stand to stay in a place longer.

It was a long hectic day and projects were ruling.

"Naomi! Are you ready for your presentation?"



"Shoot! Laptop was not charged. Slides are still under work."

In front of the bench Zen stood up the balcony. Guess he was on the phone. And again, his still staring. He posed funny expressions as he looked at me, he smiled, acted like a baby.

And just as I looked at another face. I was all being teased. Leah laughed. "What is going on~ she said in a teasing tone." N-nothing I looked the other way all blushed."

We kept stealing glances and with every glance, he threw a new expression at that point he was a 23 year old baby trying to catch attention.

"Jess?" I looked at her. Still with that shy face.

Her forehead shooting bullets, eyes pale, body shivering.

"What happened! Jess. Look at me."

"My heart stopped, I looked at Jess. And I knew something was wrong. A minute or two her body became cold I was on the verge of breaking into tears. She kept on repeating, "I know I will die." The feeling of restlessness, it felt like the worse kind of feeling ever. As a friend just to sit there look at her as she keep on saying "I know, I will die."

Little by little male community started gathering, everyone was wondering what is happening.

"I'm running out of breath!" Said Jess.

I looked at her, "do not be so sure. You are still here with me, you are not going anywhere."

By this time, the news were all over the campus. We had called for the ambulance.

"What happened."
"She is out of breath."

Sam looked grieved.
"We need to take her to the hospital."

"The ambulance is on its way." I answered.

"She needs some first aid!" He yelled out of concern.

"The ambulance is just a minute away."

"What happened?" Zen asked Sam.

They hissed something.

A minute I took to look at Zen and he looked handsome today. He looks good with traditional hats.

The ambulance arrived and I went with her. I rubbed her cold paws and hugged her tight. No more words could escape than "Its alright, I'm here with you!"

"How much longer will it take?" I asked the driver.

"Just a little longer."

"I'm going to die, I am telling you. I will not make it."

"Shut up, you have to live. We are dodging death today."

"How much more."

"We are here."

The ambulance hurried her to the emergency room.

"Call the doctor!" I yelled.

"Where is the doctor?"


"Put her on the stabilizer." Said the doctor.

"Did she had breakfast."
"I do not know."

"Could you revise the symtoms?"
"She-she, had heavy breathing and she kept on- I broke into tears. She said she feels like she will die any minute."

"We will check her thoroughly."

The doctor checked her through and interrogated her.

"She came to me. That is what happens when you skip breakfast. And plus, she is having anxiety."

"What should we do?"

"She needs a change in enviroment."

"Is she okay?"
"She will be."

Sam rushed to the hospital on his bike.

"Is she alright?"

"She skipped breakfast and she is having anxiety attacks."

"Ugh this girl." He sighed. "Nothing serious?"


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