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I'm one of those who waste her Sundays for good Mondays.

"My dear fate. Show some mercy."

I had been busy all day. The only logo I had this weekend was work and work unless you find another work.

I had made my mind, not to meddle with Zen. My peace is my first priority.

Work is the best escape atleast you do not give a space to thoughts that set fire to your peace.

For a moment I looked at the audience with the corner of my eye and to my surprise I saw Zen.

"Why is he here?"

I hid somewhere in the audience this is how far my curiosity led me. More knowledge about him will result in my destruction.

Even at this point I could see him staring with the lateral side of his eye.

Sometimes, in life we face episodes of high ups and downs. Just like happiness does not last, sadness either.

Some men, particularly Zen type are addictive poisons you might find it hard to leave but the resultant will absolutely and always kill you. 

Lost in my thoughts, draining my bright energy with the thoughts of him. He plays me on the tips of his fingers. 

From the audience he stood up with a dark look on his face, walked with his shoulders broad ready to put up a nice fight, to the exists of the hall.

The hall was filled with unpleasant aura and not to be effected was one nice joke.

"The only reason is, I do not wish to cross ways with this unpleasant male Racoon. If it would not be this, I would have swooped out of this room by all means, breaking all the rules holding me here."

Staring at the clock laughing at your boredom, at a point the clock seems very unfair. It rather moves too slowly or does not moves at all. The only kind of enemy I have faced in such situations had always been the ruthless time.

Half an hour on the go, I moved at my seat with my butt paralyzed, it felt totally numb I really wanted my legs to do some labor. Fingers tapping, cannot differentiate which one was faster, hands or toes.

I looked at my hinderance that bounded my time here. I looked, once on my left where the male population was oozing and on my right hardly ten girls. All sleeping to the lullabies of professors sweet chirping tone. 

That's it, I stood up grabbing all the attention, well, some head movement and eye ball exercising is good for sleeping people. 

Fresh air. I smiled. My brown hair greeting the air. Finally. I walked where the roses guided. This part of university I have never seen. Nature had me and I was given to nature. Its the best meditation for a sound soul.

I talk to the flowers, as they glow brightly when you talk to them they seem like they don't talk but they do. I walk sometimes, not taking notice of where I am heading to. From the pretty colors to the Gucci boots, legs crossed. I looked up. 

"I-" I hesitated. "I am not following you around."

He smirked. 

"I am not crazy." He always makes me embarrassed.

He laughed. He walked towards me. "Honestly, I am here because- he paused. Walked towards me. Whats with this comical scene? I hissed in the air nervously. I had something to give you."

"Sarcasm?" I looked on my left, avoiding all possible eye contacts. 

"Something girls like?" he added.

"Are you bribing me?"

"Give me your hand."

Sweat starting swinging down my palms. 

"I am not proposing you, he scratched his forehead." 

"Alright, I am not accepting any assignment editing."

"Why would an intelligent guy want to get his hard work spoiled by a freshly enrolled student."

"That was show off Mr. Zen."

He laughed. "Cute."

 "I don't get you or sometimes I feel stupid."

"Hand." He added.

"People should learn from you, the art of changing subjects." He looked at me.

"And, flattery from the sweetie. Right?"

 His laugh sounded in the air.  "Your sarcasm is on point. As always."

Here. I gave him my hand. 

"Not the dorsal side. I told you, I am not proposing you." He laughed.

"Will you, stop making fun of me?" I pouted.

"Here." He placed a white chocolate in my hand.

"This?" I looked at him. Not having the guts to ask him. Why? of all girls me? is this another flattery?

He looked me in the eye, was it he was making me see how magical his eyes can be or was it, he was finding the questions I hid from him.

Don't make me feel this curiosity of  your likeness. I am  not ready. Not yet.

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