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"Jess! Something happened to Naomi! My family took my phone and I don't know what they did to her. I'm scared, she has done something to herself."

"I am calling her."

"The number you are calling is powered off." 

She is not picking up the call. I am scared now" Jess replied.

"Give me Angela's number or just please Jess! I'm helpless."

The night was the longest. Zen looked at his phone, he called her as many times he was worried. He looked at the sky. "It's all my fault." He murmured.

"I need you!" He texted her.

The sky was orange, it was already morning. Zen eyes went heavier and he fell asleep. By noon he woke up sweating. He stared at his phone, tried again. 

Last night. Zen was with his friend. The friends who once confessed they had feelings for him. They teased him. "You got engaged?" Rumors were like fire and everyone was caught in it. "Just like everyone says, Zen is X boyfriend, Y's husband and Z's fiance. Those friends were jealous and they were not going to let this rumor slide. "Ann, I told you! we are not engaged. She know's she can't have me so she is spreading these rumors to get me."  "I don't believe you! Ann's tears floated out. You are cheating me with her." "I'm not! who the hell is she? is she even pretty to be compared to you? I better die then to get my hands on her she is only suitable as a maid. Tell me, if you are so fond of her, I will bring her as a maid in our house. I told you, my heart races for you. Zen putting a fight to prove his side was much important. "I will prove you! Stay on the line."

"Hello?" Not for a second Zen felt a thing, he was pissed at those baseless rumors..

"Are we dating?" I will make up with her, she will understand. Zen said to himself. 

"No." The delay in response was clear she was hurt. Zen knew it too but he had his own ways.

"Have I ever said that I loved you?" He knew it, he did it. He had his own motive that needed explanation. Some words are like knife when they are left unchained they cut slowly at the right place.

"N-No" Her voice trembled. "Just one last question, when did we got engaged?" Her voice left off.

"Do you believe me now?" Zen said to Ann.

"No I'm not satisfied yet. I will make her pay for my tears."

 "Do what you feel like doing, I'm out of here."

He connected the call as he sat there to see Ann torturing Naomi. It was then when Zen felt it is too much for a sick girl. Ann was happy after insulting her, she believed if Zen ever loved her he would never let anyone insult her. 

Minute later his uncle took his phone. Zen got scared. His uncle raised his voice on him. "Someone texted us." He looked at his uncle. "What?" He showed him. 

"You are being too harsh on Zen forcing him to marry someone else is not accepted in any culture. Let me tell you he is engaged to Naomi Wenson a girl from his university."

His uncle took his belongings. He was nervous thinking what will be happening to his phone.

He got his phone back and everything was cleared. He called to check on the status. 

Ann did it, she told me if I'm not hers no one will have me either.

He smirked I got trouble to deal it, its interesting.

"Why?" Naomi replied. He rolled his eyes. "Where were you last night? I couldn't sleep because I thought my family has said something to you." It was a good way to bring out answers. 

"She asked me, if we loved each other." Naomi eyes went red and tears came out of her. She has so much she wanted to ask him and Zen knew it. "You should rest." He texted as he hissed. "I need sometime to get things right." 

Things went unexplained and Naomi marked Ann's words which she thought was said by her cousin. 

Her eyes were pale, her face was as small as a bean. She silently wiped her tears and pretended it is okay. She could take that much.

"Something is going on with her." Angela looked at her. "She will never tell me, ask her." Her mother insisted.

"What is going on." Naomi laughed. "Nothing." "You have been crying all night." Angela  knew her the best. "I'm not. she smiled again." 

"Then swear on me that you are not lying." She smiled bitterly. "Angela don't be dramatic! you are putting me in a difficult situation."

"Zen." I looked at her tears filled in my eyes. "broke my heart."

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