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Life never felt like a kiss on the rose, everything looked like the flowers. All facing the sun waiting to be showered by the rain.

Today was the last day of semester.

I looked at Angela still asking myself why she is taking interest in my life.

"Zen might not come." I warned Angela, but she was so persistent to meet him.

"Will you come today?"

"I don't know." Zen replied.

He always had this attitude with me.

I went for my exam and meanwhile Angela roamed here and there.

"That panda left you here?" Zen said.


"Why don't you come and sit here." Angela pointed at the bench. "It will be more convenient to talk."

"It's alright." Zen replied.

He was sitting on the stairs, his simple details, holding a pen, his concentration on the paper his eyes fixed. What kind of love teaches you mircoloveology?

"I'm writing an application, I have lost my studen't ID card." Zen said.

I was in my thoughts again. But I wanted to balance life and prioritize each category in life.

2 hours and I was done with my paper.

I walked out as soon as I was done. I was worried if my sister was chased out by males.

Jess came out minutes earlier than me. I looked for them.

"Here you are. I left you so many texts."

"Zen is not going to come." I repeated.

"There!" Angela pointed.

I smiled. These little appearances had always made me happier.

"Lets go to the cafe."

We sat on the bench, where Jess, Sam, Zen and I were sitting parallel to each other along with an outcast. My sister.

It was like a dream, we never had the chance to talk properly, but we were sitting in front of eachother.

It was silence kissing our lips. Till my sister grabbed my phone.

"I will show you something."

"What could she possibly show him?" I wondered.

"My childhood pictures." I shrieked.

I pulled the phone out of her hand as I saw her scrolling through my pictures. But Zen grabbed my fingers. It was the first time he made an attempt to hold my hand.

"I was embarrassed."

He looked me in eyes. Now it was time that we made our eyes sink into eachother, but often Zen gazes went more deeper and I looked the other way as I was shy.

"Naomi. His hand slowly snailed his way to my hand. You are not like other girls, I despised them, but you changed my perception about them."

The feeling made me happier.

I hated men, I thought all were trash all were the same. But you were different you proved it. And that's why I chose to give you my heart.

I smiled as much as the birds would love to sing, I was the same girl he asked, if I ever smiled? It was his most expensive jewelry he gave it to me.

I asked him what happened. That day. He held his head down, took a deep breath. 

"I left my house."

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