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I came home. "Who's jacket are you wearing?" My mom asked. "Jess gave it to me."

"He gave it to me, the one who is my love."

Time went by, I counted countless days when we got a chance to talk. He was at a place where we hardly talked. And every once in a while his single message. "Panda" would make me more happier than anything could.

We would call eachother funny nicknames.

It was hilarious, funny and too cute when he got jealous over my  celebrity crushes that were so out of my reach. This is how I could see what he felt for me.

But every time he got jealous, I loved him even more but the aftermath would burn me down to the core.

"Wait, now I will take 2x revenge.
See, this one is my friend, we met at blah blah event, she is my blah blah from blah blah."

When I got mad, I would do funny doodling over his pictures and sometimes show him. 

We both would laugh.

And finally by next year, I had Zen Morrison with a weird relationship.


"I don't want to go!" I insisted.

"We will have fun." Angella said.

"Come over Naomi." My cousin's insisted.

"I will consider it sometime."

I was in the car, writing songs. Every subject of my work was love.

I had a separate list of songs that he dedicated me. Everytime, I listened, I was drowned in the sea full of his thoughts.

It was crazy, months passed by so quickly. And I always had this fear sitting over my lungs, I always did things for him. I was an introvert but his smiling face was the reason I was changing. I wanted to be more expressive with my words.

Just sitting and listening to the songs and the thought he lives under the same sky, breathes under the same air, made me crazy.

"Dear cloud, if you happened to stay over him, tell him. If I was a painter, I would paint him so perfectly that all the paintings would get jealous over him. If you meet him shower petals over him as he is as magical as a sunrise.

I peeked outside and I saw him it was hard to differentiate if it was just my head or it was him smiling.

My heart was enjoying spring the butterflies, the rainbows, the chirping it felt like I have been born again.

He was the one, I had been waiting for. The guy I fell for, everytime he smiled.

"I'm here!" They all rushed to hug me. The place where I felt love.

My aunt met me and went out to buy some snacks.

Diana showed me some gilltery pillows.

"Mind if I use them?

"What are you drawing?" Diana looked at me.

"Z" I smiled.

"You know what's special about his name? Its the opposite of N if you put it the other way it becomes Z. And what's more to it, his names ends with N." I paused. "So we both are for eachother."

I put them all together, I selected a romantic song. And I made a video.

I want to see his happy face when he sees this..

Minutes later, Zen replied with emoji's.

If only, he could say something.

It's alright, maybe he is not the expressive type.

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