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Everyone knew about us. So I decided to be open about us. I had least bit of idea that people could also share my things.

It was really hot, summers were here. We finally had spent 8-9 months together. In Korean culture, couples celebrate their 100 days anniversary. I wanted to do the same.

"Hello! I need your help. The thing is, I want to make a special event for Zen. I need you to escort him today."

I bribed his friends. I didn't felt any shame we have been through a lot. Zen was tricked. He was standing in between shades of colorful flowers. "Should I hug him. I have even a better idea."I hissed silently.

I covered his eyes. He touched my fingers "who is this" Zen said. Sam held his arms and everything was already planned. 

I tickled his belly. It was so much fun teasing him. It was almost noon. We pushed him inside a car and he freaked. "What the hell is going on?" The expressions on his face were so priceless.

Sam and I silently laughed. 

"We are here!" We came out. Zen didn't knew who is this. If this is a war of winning hearts then I am not going to lose it.

We carefully escorted him. Everything was set. Sam made an okay signal and we took off his blind folds before disappearing.

Zen opened his eyes, the room was lit with candles and roses. He looked here and there shocked. He looked at the table which was decorated with multiple roses. He picked one.

"Red rose." It's given to someone you love. They say red rose is a symbol of honest love." He smiled as he looked at other roses taped with small notes. "White rose. Symbol of friendship, before we were lovers, we were friends." He smiled widely, he knew who can be this crazy, he looked around, he walked ahead he sat near the chair as he found letters wrapped in blue sheet. He unwrapped it. 

"Dear Zen, ever since you left this place, I couldn't stop thinking about you. In every conversation in every corner of the sky I tried to find you. I told you I would love you. I'm sorry that I became selfish. When I sat in a gathering I imagined you. Where are you? how have you been and what will you be doing. I prayed for you every single night. I oftenly asked you about your 3:00 am thoughts as you were always the first thought in the morning and last thought in the night. The saddest part is you never knew what I wanted and you wanted me to be clear with what I wanted. That day when you asked me if I want you to leave your friends. I wanted to say yes. I told myself each day that it's not okay to be possessive. When you truly love someone you can't tolerate the thought alone of your man getting seen by any other person. The rest of your "Friends" must be okay with it. But I can't. I am not good at hiding. I always live in fear because of them and because of them people call you bad names. They call you "Their property." You are my beast and only I can whip you. I thought you knew that how crazy I was for you.."

Zen flipped the letter as he bit his lower lip.

"She is the cutest." 

Sam walked with the trolley. "And everybody sang along with the music."

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Zen, Happy birthday to you."

Zen looked at me. And I asked myself, is this enough to win his heart?

He took a bite of the cake, I took a small portion of the cream as I placed it over his nose. "Santa!" I giggled.

He held my hand as I looked at him. "Did. I hesitated. I did something wrong." He looked at me and my heart started sinking.

He placed his hand in his pocket as he said. "Close your eyes."

He is going to pull a prank on me. I was worried.

He placed a ring in my finger. "Open your eyes."

I looked at it and I was frozen.

This was the ring he bought for me. He crossed his fingers in my fingers. I was so happy that my tears came out. "Why are you crying?" he wiped my tears from his thumb.

"I'm not crying, I'm sweating from my eyes."

He laughed."This was all your setup?" He looked in my eyes.

I nodded. "This much you love me?" He said with a serious face.

"Is it not enough?" I asked.

He kissed my forehead. "You are the luck in my life."

"Let's go out!" I looked at him. "There is another surprise?"

I looked at the time. "Its about time!"

"There," I pointed at the Ferris wheel. 

It was the time after sunset when the sky was like a multicolored painting. We went inside one of them. My hands were sweaty. And I slipped my fingers out of his grip but he held it more firmly. I bit my lower lip out of shyness. The wheel turned once and it stopped.

"Turn to the glass side." Zen stood up as he said. "What." He looked at me. 

"Look." I hugged him from his back. I hissed in his ears. "Just watch."

The fireworks went in the sky.

 "The first time we met."

"You were right next to me."

I fell in love with your bad boy character.

Then I fell in love with those eyes.

Then I knew, 

This is the guy, I want in my life.

19.2.19 That day you sat on your knees for a second.

"My heart stopped beating."

Today, I will make your heart stop.


"Will you marry me?

The fireworks stopped and he looked at me.

"Did you not like it?"

He looked at me in silence.  He kissed my temple. And he hugged me. "I will never forget this."

The wheel started moving and we came down. 

Everyone looked at us and they clapped, Zen scratched his head. Maybe he was embarrassed. 

"Happy 100th day anniversary." He looked at me. "Another surprise?"

"We have been together for 100 days. That's why."

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