Chapter 5: Stand Users are like Daisies?

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AN: Hello all my lovely readers! I'm sorry I've been away for so long. Cosplay season is fast approaching and with two cosplays to make by the end of this may it will take awhile till the next chapter after this. Know that I have a lot in store for this story! S please enjoy this fun little chapter. The title is a little inspiration from one my favorite Disney Movie (1998) Mulan.

Anyways enjoy and leave comments if you like I always want to know what you guys think of my work.



I have no idea what compelled me to wake up earlier than normal and put more effort into how I look. Not a lot just some blush, some mascara, and a flattering lip tint. I rocked back and forth on my heels waiting at the other end of the railway crossing for Josuke, Okuyasu and Koichi. As students passed by me I started to get a bit anxious at being able to make it to school on time. I couldn't stand around any longer and began crossing the tracks towards the direction around "Owson's." I saw along the street what looked like a bike left on its side and four guys one of them being Josuke as I could tell by his distinctive pomp.

"What's going on here?" I announced out loud as I made my way to them. I also took note of the red stained sac.

"(Y/n)! What are you doing here?" Okuyasu asked.

"Well I was waiting at the tracks to walk with you bunch of chuckle heads to school and if we spend more time here we're going to be late." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest along with a small pout.

"Well your pal here needs to pay up for running over my cat!" A man three inches shorter than me shouted, pointing at the red stained sac on the road.

I grew irritated in a fraction of a second. Oh I'm going to let him have it if that's a real cat. Hell he's still going to get a pumaling of a lifetime if he's trying to extort my friends. I think the three boys knew what was going to happen next as they could sense a similar aura from the day we met.

"Oh...." my voice became cold and sharp as ice with a glare to match. "Then if that is your cat tied up in a sac and left in the street as you watch...then its not Koichi's fault now is it? That makes you a cruel and neglectful pet owner or are you some scummy little rat?" I let my accusations drip like venom from a viper as a craned my body forward menacingly to tower over his.

He stayed silent for a while and in that time I quickly told Josuke to inspect the sac. I brought my gaze back to the smaller man.

"Answer my question! Are you a neglectful pet owner or a crooked little pest? Huh?!" I voiced louder with a hand to my ear in a mocking manner.

"Hey, (y/n)! You really are sharp about this guy being a scumbag." Josuke said as he pulled out a red splattered cat doll from the sac. The doll giving a small twitch and "meow"

"Cats out of the ba-"

"You Dirtbag! Your Going To Give My Friend His 7,000 Yen Now!" Okuyasu raged as he landed a good hit on the guys jaw. After getting hit he proceeded to sillily teeter back and forth like a drunk until his face hit the edge of the sidewalk making one of his teeth fly out.

I could feel the epervestant rise of giggles start to dribble out of my lips until it was to much to hold back and I'm clutching my stomach as I feel the tears start to form.

"Wow! You're so pathetic!"

"Dude, why did you make yourself stumble around like a drunk baby and fall on the side walk like that?"

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