Chapter 2: One Officer Dies and The Whole Town Goes Crazy!?

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Today is the first day of school and to say I’m not the least bit nervous would be a huge lie.You might as well just write “nervous” in neon lights above my head.  I sat down at one of the dinning tables down stairs. Both of my hands holding the other with my face resting against them. My eyes closed and trying to steady my breathing as to calm myself down.

“Cara mia, please eat.” Tonio expressed in worry placing a plate of Eggs Benedict (or whatever healthy breakfast option that you like) with a side of my favorite fruits. “You know how your gut gets when you become nervous and its not wise to go to school on an empty stomach no matter how nervous you are.”

“You’re right Uncle Tony.” I spoke with a smile after a deep exhale and proceeded to dig in. While I didn’t really finish the main dish. I did finish the refreshing fruit and by the grace of god it wasn't infused with Pearl Jam.

There was once a time where my nerves would give me the runs and boy when Tonio served me one of his dishes A La Pearl Jam my guts were everywhere! I did however feel like a brand new girl after it, but I didn't want that today.

Bidding Tonio a “Good-bye” I headed up the hill to school following all the other students as they made there way up as well. I couldn’t shake the feeling like everyone knew I wasn’t from this little town. I mean who am I kidding they probably all grew up together in Budogaoka Middle School! I doubt it’s the patches I put on…. I’m so dumb… why did I put the American Flag one on my back! It’s a dead give away! I might as well have wrote “Gaijin” on my forehead!

I gotta get out of this mind set or it’s going to ruin my whole day. I fished out my cd player again and put the headphones over my ears and skipped tracks till it landed on “Dreams by Fleetwood Mac.” It’s soothing rhythm helped calm me down.

As the day wore on it wasn’t so bad. I thankfully didn’t have to go up and write anything on the board as I read, speak, and understand Japanese more than I can write it with proper grammar and characters. Though I did get stares. They were to be expected and it was obvious at this point to everyone that I was foreign. I just hope this doesn't make getting friends hard or anything.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Final Bell Rings~~~~~~~~~~

Ah what a sweet noise, I let out an exhale of relief as I began to pack up my supplies and pull out my CD player to just drown out the outside world. Randomly playing  “Bad Moon Rising by Creedence Clearwater Revival.” Interesting; kind of a dark piece, but it’s not like an omonis foretelling is it?

I couldn't be more wrong as I saw in the news paper an obituary for a well love Older Officer that died the following day after that song played. Coincidence maybe, but as I read about Officer Higashikata; he very much loved this town and seemed to be in rather good health for his age, yet he died of a Brain Aneurysm. No doubt the family will be around the area once the funeral happens since the cemetery is very close to where I live.

Something compelled me to want to make the close family members something sweet, but not overly so. Ah! Italian lemon cookies! Refreshing and lightly sweet.

~~~~~~~~The day of the Funeral~~~~~~~~

I saw a line of cars both normal and owned by officers as well; no doubt comrades of Officer Higashikata. Ahead of all the cars a fairly young women existed one of them and a tall young man with a distinctive hairstyle in that of a pompadour.

I slowly approach trying to gather the words I wanted to express as I clutched the decorative tin filled with the cookies I baked.

“… Are you Officer Higashikata’s daughter?” I shyly asked

The women turned to me sniffling and wiping a tear with a handkerchief.

“Yes; did my father ever help you?” she asked.

“ I haven't really met him as I haven't been in this town long enough, but I know he would have looked out for me all the same as anyone else in this town.” I declared a bit of my passionate self coming through, before quelling it quickly with a deep breath. I bowed forward offering the tin.
“ I humbly ask that you accept this token as a sign of my condolence for your family!” I choked out abide a bit embarrassed with rosy cheeks to show. I felt the tin being left from my hands and I looked up to see the women with a sincere smile.

“Thank you.” she took started to choke back tears. “ Your words really touched me and I know even if he isn't with us in person he still will be looking over this town.”
I really didn't know what more to say so I offered a smile and nod in returned. I looked a little past Officer Higashikata’s daughter at the young man behind her. His eyes over cast by the shadow of his pompadour. He looked so defeated. It's an unusual emotion to see at a funeral, but I guess not an impossible feeling to have at this time.

I bid them both “Goodbye” as I headed back home. I wish them peace in their time of grief.

~~~~~~~ 2 days later~~~~~~~

Things have suddenly become strange since the death of Officer Higashikata. Like a oddly creepy rock with a face in one of the nearby neighborhoods. The sudden avalanche of random love letters pouring from my shoe locker when I haven't spoken to a single person since schools started and even now as I pick up some extra groceries after school I heard an explosion from the area very close to where that weird bolder face was. Then a very small funeral followed that day for some young man named Keicho Nijimura. His younger brother seemed to be the only family member left?

  I hope this is just an off week ...I don't know if I could last with more weird days like these.

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