Chapter 7: Love Deluxe with a side of Nightmares! Part 2!

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 This chapter is primarily and starting from a different point of view probably the longest so far.   Getting into the mindset of Yukako was really something so there will be even more vulgar language later. Not that there hasn't been some strong language already, but hey thats JoJo and why this is under the Mature setting Lol. Any ways lets get to the thrilling conclusion to this Chapter!



Josuke's P.O.V:

It was really odd this morning. Koichi didn't meet Okuyasu and I up at the railroad crossing. We thought that maybe that he had taken his bike and that we'd see him at the gates with (Y/n).

But as we approached the school's gates it was only (Y/n) and she looked pretty ticked off from just looking at her posture. Shoulders up in tension and her folded arms with a single pointed finger drumming on her arm. As we got closer I could see the crease of her brows, the hard glare and the slight wrinkles on her scrunched nose and most importantly the little scowl like pout on her lips.

"Morning boys~!" She called with a smile, but her brows still creased like they were before. "Wheres Koichi.... He didn't come up with you two?"

"Uh.... H-he's not here already?" I stammered. Man, can she be scary when she's mad, but her pout is kinda cute....SHIT!

Yo...uh... (Y/n) you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? You seem pretty cranky?" Okuyasu cautiously asked.

"Oh I had a wonderful night's rest, Okuyasu." She replied the smile now starting to tense up. "But if I don't know where Koichi is and you guys don't know and neither does Koichi's own family. Then what happened?" With each word her venom started to come through.

"How do you know Koichi's family doesn't know where he is?" Okuyasu haughty remarked.

"I got a call from a frantic Ayana this morning; she wanted to know if I knew where Koichi might have been. She says if they don't find out soon they might end up calling the cops. Thankfully Koichi has talked about us every now and again and she happened to remember my name enough to find it in the phone book." she replied in cold monotone. "So.... you wouldn't happen to have done something that I told you not to do ...did you?" her cold scrutinising glare growing ever icier.

Yeesh, she may be a lot smaller than the two of us, but she sure is intimidating.

I let out a harsh sigh before bashfully saying: "We might have... done that thing you warned us not to do."

"Might have?"

"OKAY WE DID!" Okuyasu cracked.

"I knew it, I just wanted one of you if not; both of you to admit it." She smirked "I knew it the moment I got that call this morning and my only guess is that Yukako has taken to the greatest extreme of kidnapping Koichi."

"If that is the case she must not have gone too far from where Koichi lives." Josuke concluded.

"So, I guess after school it's off to your place to start some detective work?" (Y/n) inquired.

"Sounds like a plan!" Okuyasu exclaimed.

The first bell for classes rang and as we made our way there; my head was not only wracked with ideas of where Koichi might be or anything school related. Nope it was the hope that my mother wouldn't be home to embarrass me in front of (Y/n).

Great! Another moment where she on my mind! All of this is going to drive me up a wall! Why can't I get a hold of myself!

++++++++++++++++++++++++long after school has ended+++++++++++++++++++++

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