Chapter 8: It Had to be Italian!

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Hello Lovelies~! IM BACK!  Here is a chapter that I've been working a long time on for you. I did some absurd amount of research on. Like what nutritional benefits of certain ingredients and familiarizing myself with Italian meal courses and food its self. I mean I love to cook and know quite a bit already, but now well I certainly know a lot more now. I also tasted straight a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil just to describe its taste.     Anyhow, this whole part is inspired by Sir Elton John's lovely song "The Bitch is Back." I almost went with something typical like a Pearl Jam song, but it didn't feel right. In that time I remembered this song from when I watched Rocket Man and I was like Oh Hell yes!  Anyway enough of me rambling and get to reading!!!

Thank you all again for all your fun and wonderful comments, your votes and saves to your library they really make my day and push me more to keep making these chapters no mater how long it takes me!

<3 Sav*


I tiredly stare at the ever slowly moving minute hand as it gets closer and closer till school is let out for the day. I don't bother to listen to the teacher as I just want to get home. I've been tired all day all because the damn bitch is back; "Aunt Flow" and her monthly visit that gave me cramps that kept waking me up throughout the night. The damn pain came back in waves as the day went on only adding to my fatigue and irritability.

Common~ Ya damn stupid clock! Chime already so I can get today over with~!! I just want a nice long soak in the tub!

By some miracle the bell chimed to signal the end of school. We all said "good- bye" to the teacher and bowed in respect. I quickly packed my things and made my way through the halls and down the stairs to the entrance where all the shoe lockers were. Quickly slipping off my uwabaki to switch into my regular loafers. In no time I was almost through the gate. I could feel the tears of relief coming.

"Yo (Y/n)!" I heard the unmistakable rough voice of Okuyasu call. I stopped abruptly to face him and Josuke who was also with him.

"Hey guys... uhh.. What's up?" I asked hoping they would not ask me to hang out, because even that is just too much right now.

"Josuke told me you live nearby the cemetery. We were headed that way to visit my bro Keicho's grave you wanna come with?" Okuyasu asked.

Damn! I can't say no to that! One, cuz yes its the same direction. Two, that would be so heartless to say 'No'! Curse Today!  I mentaly wept shaking my fist at the heavens.

I agreed to tag along as we all made our way down the road to the cemetery making small talk along the way.

"Man, I'm wasting away over here. What do ya say we grab a bite to eat after visiting my brother's grave?" Okuyasu grumbled before yawning into him palm.

"I'm good, but don't let me stop you." Josuke replied.

"I could go for a snack somewhere." I said in hopes of greedily munching on something sweet! .... Or do I want something salty?.... Damn it!

Something peaked Okuyasu's interest. When I looked in the same direction and found the small direction sign for Uncle Tonio's restaurant I could feel my eyes go wide.  Oh god please no! Should anything happen to one of them if they eat his cooking they'll flip and think its a stand attack!

" Whoa! A New Italian restaurant that's just up the road!" Okuyasu exclaimed as he examined the sign a bit more.

"Really? That place? I know much better places around here than that place." I said in hopes of swaying Okuyasu's interest elsewhere. Josuke even commented that it was creepy to have a restaurant up the street from a cemetery. Nothing could sway Okuyasu as he saw it as a and I quote "Wacky food destination" that its the right kind of thing that pulls people in to check it out. He then began salivating at the prospect of trying new foreign food, ultimately begging that we should go.

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