Chapter 13: Just like a Dream...

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Surprise, surprise~! A New Chapter Already~! Now at the end of the last chapter I said it wouldn't involve an actual episode well that was a bit of a lie. This chapter involves the last few minutes of Episode 17 "Rohan Kishibe's Adventure."

This chapter is also a chapter I'm dedicating to a family member ( not the same side as the one that had the baby) that unfortunately passed.

Lana Vicera C.

November 25, 2007-Februrary 24, 2020.

Like Reimi. I know she will always look out for those she loves.


+++++++++++++++++++The Weekend+++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Having to face off with these new stand users right after another is so exhausting.

I had just turned on my radio and press shuffle for the CD player. I plopped my back on the bed as I stared straight up at the ceiling. How many more people unlocked a stand by the arrow? Though why am I worrying about that now especially when I finally have a day to rest. No homework. No enemy stand users. Prep for dinner rush has long since been done. As I continued to stare off into the ceiling my eyes started to grow heavy.

"Life is a mystery,"

"Everyone must stand alone."

My eyelids grew even heavier.

"I hear you call my name."

"And it feels like home~."

It felt like I had only closed my eyes for a fraction of a second before I opened them once more and I was suddenly on the streets of Morioh. However this Morioh was off. The people were all heading one direction as I faced the opposite flow of traffic. Their faces; every one of them near or far were blurry even if they weren't in a hurried pace. I could hardly point out any features. I grew uneasy as I made my way against the flow. No discernable faces and a sea of monotonous chatter that grew to a buzz. I started to pick up a more panicked pace. I bumped into bodies and didn't care and neither did they. That is until I bumped into someone head on. I fell back onto the sidewalk as a result. The flow of traffic parting and merging around us. The figure was a man. He was strong enough to still stand tall after me running into him. His hair was blonde and for the most part slicked back with some strays framing his face. He bent down and offered a hand to me. My mind felt blank and I strangely had this familiar feeling like a sirens call that drew me to take his hand. He helped me back up to my feet. However it was a bit too quick as I fell into his chest and continued to support me. I looked up and still his features were still so fuzzy, but I could see he had shining blue eyes. I felt myself grow weak. He was saying something as he straightened me back on to my feet. This time for sure. He gently took hold of my right hand and softly rubbed his thumb across the knuckles in a soothing way. Just as I was about to take a step forward to follow I was stopped by a hand on my left shoulder.


I turned and saw a young woman that looked my age. She had short pink hair in a bob cut held back by a yellow wide headband. Her eyes I could make out clear as day. The color of her eyes also matched her hair. She wore a pink button up dress with two darker pink bows on the skirt. She even had pink strap sandals to match. She had an aura that shined like the sun- warm, inviting and safe. Contrasting with the seductive and mysterious presence behind me. I felt I could trust her more. My body instinctively turned in her direction and my hand slipped from the mysterious man now behind me.

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