A little about yourself<3

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Name: (Y/n) (L/n)

Date of Birth: Dec (Fav.# 1-31), 1983

Age: 16 Years

Sex: Female

Hair: (H/c) (H/l)

Eyes: (E/c)

Complexion: (S/c)

Height: 5'3" (160.02 cm)

Weight: 126 lbs (57.2 kg)

Born : Bay Area, California, United States of America

Extra: has two ear piercings ( One set on the lobe and one set on the upper lobe.) The second piercing has rose gold heart studs.

Is Nearsighted and wears contacts in public (though is sometimes forgetful if in a rush) and glasses at home (or in her bag when she forgets)

Personality: Observant and shy or cold at first, but friendly, kind and warm once gotten to know better. Clever and passionate. When angered its either one of two ways: Cold and will pick you apart or passionate rage. Is never afraid to stand up for those she hold dear. Is there in the quiet times for those she loves. Is not afraid to show some sass with snarky cutting remarks and sarcasm.

Likes: being by the water, cooking, crafting, shopping, sweets, cute animals, her portable CD player, fantasy novels (only exception is her favorite book Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger).

Dislikes: bullies, disingenuous people, people who come across as to forward,eating most Mollusks (aside from Octopus, scallops and squids), can't stand having life where everyday just seems like routine. Feeling lonely.


Mother: (M/n) Job: Unknown Place of work: Unknown

Father: (D/n) Job: something medical, but unknown who he works for

Younger Brother: James Age: 12.5


Name: Venus (after the song by Bananarama)


Ability: Luck Augmenting Bestowal

With the stands Red and Blue cables its can give whomever the stand user wishes Good or Bad luck with the touch of the corresponding colored cables. Blue is Good Luck and Red is Bad Luck. The stand once it gives either Good/Bad luck the opposite must be given to the nearest person of the same sex and age. The Stand can not affect the user directly. Meaning the user can not grant them Good luck if they wanted to.If Both cables are used around a person its negates the ability making it great for restraining and lifting people out of the way. Minor Combat Stand.

The stand is a humanoid stand with a female form. Think of a 1950's pin-up, a WW2 era bomber plane, and the american flag melded together. A robotic army Pin-up with cables forming from the back. Above the stands arms are plane wigs as well. "Venus" is written up the thigh of the stand.

Power : B

Speed: B

Range: B

Durability: D

Precision: C

Potential: B

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