Chapter 12: Next Door to Hell!

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Sorry for the long wait on this chapter I did hit a bit of writers block on the chapter. But its all good now.
I hope everyone is doing well and we are keeping our spirits strong in these times. I still can't believe that there are still so many people who come and enjoy this little work of love of mine.

Without further ado. Enjoy this next chapter~!

******************Two days later**************

I yawned as I had Venus glide me over to Koichi's house so that we could walk to school together. It was an odd request, but It's not like I don't trek down to the train station to meet them halfway anyway so that we all walk to school together. Though Koichi did seem kind of strange on the phone last night.

************Last Night************

I sighed in relief having just completed the last of my homework for the night. Rolling my shoulders back to hear the satisfying symphony of cracks roll down my back then raising my arms with my hand laced together to get a few more cracks and follow through on the stretch.
My radio cd player hopping on the next of many songs burned onto one of many personal cds. A Guns n' Roses song that was a bit too loud and I turned down the volume just a bit. I heard a knock on my door and it was Uncle Toni with the phone. He politely had the speaking end covered. "Bella, one of your friends is on the phone."
"Oh, perfect I just got done with my homework." I chirped as I got up from my seat and walked over to Toni to take the phone from his hands.
"Hello~" I greeted.
"Ah, (Y/n), Hi! Is it alright if I ask you something?" asked the shrill cracking voice of Koichi on the other end of the line.
" Well I guess it would be two questions, but sure, what do you need." I chuckle
"Ah ha, Well I was wondering if it's not too much to ask if you meet up at my house to walk to school?"
"Well I meet up with you, Josuke and Okuyasu at the tracks. Your place isn't that far from the tracks either, sure why not." I agreed.
"Excellent see you tomorrow morning" Then he hung up.
That was strange. Koichi is far more polite and always says good-bye before hanging up. Is he in trouble again? Maybe that's why he called and he'll inform me more on the way to school.
**********Back to Present***********
I touched down on concrete a block ahead of Koichi's house and walked up to his front door. I knocked and was greeted by Mrs. Hirose. She told me Koichi was just finishing up and invited me inside for something to drink as I waited.
Koichi seemed pretty out of it and very tired. I thought maybe it was the morning, but even after his quick breakfast he still remained in a daze; lost within his own thoughts.
Once done and ready to go we both bid his mom good-bye and made our way to the direction for school or so I thought as we were going the opposite direction of it.
"Hey, Koichi isn't school that way?" I asked pointing in the general direction of where other students were headed.
"Huh?" Koichi shook his head from his daze.  "Oh, sorry I promised a new friend of mine that I would also walk with him to school." Koichi replied "he just lives up this street."
"Wow my shoes and bag feel much heavier today than normal." The silver haired boy moaned before taking a knee to rest.
"Are you getting sick Koichi? Should I walk you back home?" I worried for my small silver haired friend. "No, I'm fine. I think if we pick up some water on the way I should be fine....Hold on." Koichi looked up at the house in front of us. It was a tall Victorian style home with a balcony on the second floor and a wrap around deck on the first.
"Oh, is this your friend's house, Koichi?" I asked.
"Yeah, let's go knock he must be running late."
Wait the doors open... that's strange. Without hesitation Koichi walked right on inside. "Hey, Koichi is your friend okay with you walking in just like that?" I said uneasily as I followed him inside. The place had all the lights off and it felt super eirrey.  The door gently closed behind us. My heart starts to beat loudly. I can practically hear it in my ears. As we approached a dimly candle lit room the sound of a pencil furiously scratching away at paper got louder.
As we entered the room the man at the desk still kept scribbling away with such an intense expression. The room had a large printer/ fax machine and an equally large bookshelf filled to the brim with books. Koichi still remained in a silent state like he was earlier; stuck in his own thoughts. The man at the desk also wasn't nearly our age. I'd give or take his early twenties. So my suspicions of last night were right. Koichi managed to get himself caught up with another stand user.
"You've finally made it." The man spoke.
We both whipped our heads to face him. "It's good to see you and I see you've come with a special guest I asked you to bring."
"Wait, what? Koichi who is this guy?"  I shrieked as I grabbed hold of his shoulders.
"You don't know who I am?!" Exclaimed the man like I had offended his mere existence. "I am the Great Mangaka, Rohan Kishibe!"
I stared at him like the way I stare at my parents when they eat raw oysters on the half shell; disgusted and confused. 
"O-kay? And?"
"Tch, well I guess you'll just have to see. This will only take about 20 minutes to complete these last 2 pages for next week's manuscript."
Bitch, please. No way he can do all that in 20 minutes.  I scoffed as I crossed my arms and tilted my head slightly, an eyebrow raised with a sideways smirk. This should be fun. Rohan dipped his quil into the inkwell. Wait those pages were blank he can't be going into ink right off the bat!  Like rapid lightning strikes his hand was moving so fast; I felt like all I was seeing were just their after images.
Koichi does his best to narrate out loud what we are both thinking, rapidly, as it happens before our eyes. After Rohan had completed his character and background he raised his pen high and made slight adjustments before flicking it causing perfect droplets of ink to fall perfectly in the lines of where he aimed resulting in the quickest Beta coloring on earth. I could practically feel my jaw hit the floor.  Now I see why he has such a title.
"It only took him two minutes to finish the beta coloring." Koichi exclaimed.
"And it's all thanks to you, Koichi. I'm overflowing with creative energy." Rohan praised his voice vibrating with adrenaline as he raised several ink dipped brushes in one hand. He just went on about how he had to keep drawing and creating new additions to his manga; his masterpiece. Even going on to say he's finished 19 pages just last night.
"Your life is astounding!" Rohan's crazed voice praised. "Now, I'm basing my entire story on your life experiences, Koichi!"
"Wait, Koichi how does this guy know so much to write 19 pages of manga based on your life!" I'm so lost on what's going on and it seems Koichi is in the same boat as me. In another flash of quick skilled technique Rohan and painted in screentone lines. Rohan then picked up a few sheets of paper that looked like a mask with eyes, nose, and mouth holes. His faces twisted with maina.
"Get Cracking I Need More Inspiration! More! I want the next reality from your past. Hurry, and give me your next page!" Rohan demanded. He explained further that with every page he took from Koichi his body weight decreases.
Wait So That Paper Mask Is From Koichi!! What kind of stand is this!
Koichi started to scream as his skin peeled back to become paper with loads of information like a textbook. I start to shriek in horror and just as I start to ready for Venus to defend myself and Koichi Rohan quickly looks my way and exclaims, "Heaven's Door!"
And before I knew it the skin on half my face was peeling back along with my forearms and the tops of my hands. I Shriek even louder as I collapse to the floor like  some force is keeping me down. The best I could do was probably crawl to save myself.
"Ah! Your screams are so sharp they hurt!" Rohan approached my crumpled figure. I knew for sure my eyes were as wide as saucers as he took his pen to a leaflet of my face and wrote something.  My body became as limp as a rag doll and my voice only but muted breathy noises. The best I could make were small cracked noises. "Now whenever you're in the presence of the Great, Rohan Kishibe you become nothing, but a rag doll. Silent and no fussing. Can't have you screaming like a banshee when i'm trying to work." Now lets see what new information we have here. His arm is supporting the upper half of my body as his other hand flits through the pages looking for interesting details on my life.
"Hmm as a baby you had colic. During this time your screaming was like someone was murdering you and some have told you that your screams could make glass windows vibrate. Well it seems you haven't lost that." He mumbled as he kept flipping through pages. I could only make the most pathetic of cracked whines as I felt every facet of my personal life being violated.

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