Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Gabriela Garcia

Your pov

I walked outside and it was gloomy and foggy. I just got beaten by my own master. I am going to survive this okay? I try to encourage myself to keep going. "I'll take care of the cats." I wispered to myself.  As I walk it got a lot foggy. A large figure bumped into me causing me to fall onto the ground. "Ow! Please don't kill me please!" I scream. This reminds me when my master beaten me. He thrashed me to the ground and hit me with the leather belt.

"I won't hit you dear. Are you all right?" The figure says. The fog cleared and a tall  butler with blood red eyes, black tail coat, black trousers, and a white button shirt. "Hello, I'm Sebastian Michealis butler of the Phantomhive manor and you?" Sebastian says

"____,____"[aka you put your first and last name here now on]

"What a beautiful name, may I ask why are you out in a weather like this?" Sebastian asks.

"Well, I was going to tend the cats. I was...." I was going to go on but should I go on about my master? I just met him. "What is it Miss.__?" Sebastian looked worried. "My master beats me and I just wanted to escape him." I say happily to let it all out.

"Well, maybe my master might be okay with you joining. Are you okay with that Miss.____" Sebastian offers. "Just tell me your masters name." I look at Sebastian. His eyes glowed pink for a split second. " Mr.West" I say. I was about to cry, but I sucked it in. "Wait here miss." Sebastian walks to the direction I walked. It's so foggy, I sit down and hold my knees up to my chest. What is he going to do?

Moments after Sebastian comes back. With a smile spread across his face. "Your master said It's okay that you come with us." I knew he was lying, but it was best if I didn't object.

"Well, are you coming?" Sebastian called out and he linked his hand out for me to link with his.

"Yes, Sebastian" I say. "What's your masters name?" I ask.

"Ciel Phantomhive Earl of the Phantomhive company. Any more questions? Speaking of questions who is she Sebastian? " a small kid with dark hair, a eye patch, coat, shorts [knee length], top hat, and lastly a cane.

" I thought I could assign her as a maid in the manor. Is this okay my lord? Her name is ____,____" Sebastian says

"I guess we can't leave her in the streets can we, and do you experience because most of our servants are idiots." Ciel says

"Yes, I can cook, sew, garden, clean, and basically do anything." I confidentially say.

Ciel had a faint smile. " Okay ____ _____ you are officially a Phantomhive maid.


We entered his carriage Ciel patted a spot right next to him, Which caught me by suprise. Maid....sitting next to a noble....impossible. I decided again not to argue. Who knows what he'll do....if i don't please him........

I sit next to him, before sitting I flatten my [dress color] dress so i could sit comfortably.I look out the window, for pretty much no exact reason it was literally that foggy. I wonder how Sebastian knows where we're going....huh really strange....

I really don't know how or what this master will be ,but i thank him.....and Sebastian for suggesting me to go......Sebastian......

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