5. Homeroom

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A week later, it's Gabby's first day at East High and she's nervous. Troy's ready and quickly grabs an apple. "See you after school, Mom. I have to pick up Gabriella."

"Ok, Hunny. You staying at her place when you get home or is she coming here?"

"I'm not sure, but I think I'm staying there."

"Alright. Good luck."

And with that said, Troy grabbed his backpack and was out the door. He knocked on the Montez's door and Sarah opened it. "Come in, Troy. Gabby's almost ready. She got up a little late."

Troy walked in. "Thanks, Sarah."

Sarah nodded and smiled walking back to the kitchen. Gabriella came down a minute later and kissed Troy softly. "Morning, Wildcat."

"Good morning, Beautiful. Ready for your first day at East High?"

"Ready as I'll ever be. I'm nervous though."

"Don't be. I'm right with you the whole time." Just as he said that, the bus rolled up and honked the horn. The two ran out of the house and got on the bus.

The bus ride was silent and they arrived twenty minutes later. The couple got off and Chad saw them. "Hoops! My man! How are you?" He asked doing their special handshake.

"I'm good. This is my girlfriend Gabriella. She's new here and she's also the love of my life." He replied pulling Gabriella against his side.

Gabriella blushed. "Hi. It's nice to meet you."

Chad raised his eyebrows at Troy. "The love of your life? When did you meet her?"

"On vacation last week. We went to the same place. And yes the love of my life. I know she's the one. I plan on proposing soon. Just not sure exactly when."

Gabby kissed his cheek. "I love you, Wildcat."

Troy smiled at her. "I love you too." He kissed her softly.

Chad chuckled. "Dude, you are so whipped."

Troy looked at him. "Am not."

"Are so."

"Whatever, Man."

The trio of new friends went inside and Chad went to class. Troy took Gabby to the office and saw the principal. "Principal Matsui."

He turned around and smiled. "Troy! Hey." He noticed Gabriella. "Oh! You must be Gabriella Montez. Here's your schedule. Troy, show her to homeroom. She has Ms. Darbus with you."

Troy smiled. "Cool. Come on, Baby." He said grabbing her hand and dragging her with him.

Gabriella laughed. "Troy! Wait! I have to get my books from my locker first."

He stopped and hit his head like an idiot. "Right. Sorry."

She giggled. "It's ok. You just got a bit too excited." She said and dragged him to her locker.

She grabbed her books and the two walked into homeroom. Chad was at his desk talking with the rest of the basketball team. Troy sat down in his seat in front of Chad and Gabriella went to the far back seat in the next row. Troy turned around and smiled. "I love you, Gabby." He said blowing her a kiss and winking at her playfully.

She smiled. "I love you too, Wildcat."

Taylor McKessie walked in and noticed Gabby reading a book. She walks over. "Hi."

Gabriella looks up and smiles shyly. "Hello."

"I'm Taylor McKessie. What's your name?"

"Gabriella Montez."

"You're the new student, right?"

She nodded. "Yeah."

"I heard you were really smart."

"I was the freaky math girl in my old schools. Never had any friends."

"I'm smart too. I'm the president of the Scholastic Club. I'd really like it if you joined. There's a competition next week and we've never made it past the first round. You could be our answered prayer."

"I don't know. I'll think about it."

"Ok. Sit with me at lunch?"

"Sure. I'd like that."

"Cool." She replied and sat in her seat.

"Hey, Gabby!" Troy called.

She looked at him. "Yeah, Wildcat?"

"Come here. I want to introduce you to the rest of the team."

She put her book down and walked over to him sitting in his lap. He wrapped his arms around her. "Ok."

"This is Zeke Baylor and Jason Cross. The rest are the supporters. The defense."


"Hi." They all said.

"Guys, this is the love of my life and my girlfriend, Gabriella Montez.

"Love of your life? Dude, you just met her." Zeke said.

"Look, I know it sounds crazy. But I know she's the one. I plan to propose soon. Not exactly sure how soon, but before the end of the year."

"You're so whipped, Dude."

"That's what I said!" Chad replied.

"Whatever, Guys. Shut up."

Gabby giggled and went to go back to her seat, but Troy held her waist tight making her sit back in his lap with a slight squeal. "Troy!"

"Where do you think you're going, Beautiful?"

"Back to my seat."

"You can share mine." He said and kissed her shoulder.

She giggled. "I need my own."

"No you don't. We'll share this one and I'll be your chair."

"You're so cheesy, Wildcat. But ok. We'll try it. But let me get my stuff and bring it up here."

He let go of her and she quickly brought her stuff to his seat. She sat back in his lap and leaned back. "Comfortable, Sweetheart?" Troy asked.


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