20. The Countdown

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It's now 11:00 and there's an hour left until the countdown to the new year. Anna fell asleep two hours ago taking a nap in Martha's arms. Zac is wildly amused with the karaoke still running. Chad and Zeke are playing air hockey. Taylor is talking about kids with Gabriella. Troy and Kelsi are talking about some new songs with Ryan and Sharpay for the Spring Musical. Tori is having fun playing referee to Chad and Zeke's air hockey game. And Jason is amused by the paintings on the walls. "So how many do you think we should have? I mean you and Troy have three." Taylor said.

"I'm not sure exactly, but I think no more than two as Chad is..."

"A bit of a mush brain?"

The two laughed and Gabriella replied. "Exactly. I don't think he could handle more than two of his own."

"Thanks, Babe. You're a big help."

"It's no problem, Tay. It's what sisters are for."

"Sisters for life."


Martha walks up to them. "Anna's awake, Gabs."

Gabby turned around and smiled taking her little girl from Martha. "Thanks for watching her, Martha."

"It's no problem, Hunny. I love my nieces and nephew."

"I know." She replied and looked at Anna who was still rubbing her eyes to fully wake up. "You alright, Anna?" She asked kissing her cheek.

Anna now fully awake looks at her mother and smiles. "Goo."

It's 11:59 and everyone gathers outside. Each couple next to each other. Gabby is holding the twins while Tori is on Troy's back. They are standing in the same spot as last year. Troy wraps his arms around his wife's waist and starts counting down with the crowd. "10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1." The fireworks go off and each couple kiss passionately while the kids watch the fireworks. Troy pulls away after two minutes. "Happy new year, My Freaky Genius Girl."

Gabby giggled. "Happy new year, Wildcat."

"Oooooooo." The twins said watching each new firework.

"Whoa!" Tori said doing the same. "Pretty!" She said in aw.

The whole gang walked up. "Happy new year!"

The couple laughed. "Happy new years, Guys!"

"Happy new year!" Tori said and giggled. Everyone laughed.

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