22. Birthday and Graduation

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It's now Saturday January 12 and is Tori's first birthday. Troy and the gang are setting up a surprise party while Gabriella is with Tori and the twins at the park. Tori has no clue what she's in for when they get home. The birthday girl is swinging and Gabby is playing with the twins on the ground by a bench. Her cell rings and she answers. "Hello?"

"Hey, My Freaky Genius Girl."

She giggled. "Hey, Wildcat. What's up?"

"We're ready now if you wanna bring the kids home."

"Ok. We'll be there in ten minutes."

"Alright, Hunny. See you in ten." He said and hung up.

She put her cell phone away in her purse and gathered the twins. "Tori! Time to go home, Angel!"

"Ok!" She replied and jumped off the swing running to catch up with her mother. "Lets go, lets go, lets go!"

Gabriella laughed and put the twins in their car seats while Tori got in her own as she learned to buckle herself in. Gabby got in the car and drove home.

Ten minutes later, they are home and Gabby gets out to get the twins. Tori unbuckles herself and gets out. Gabby follows her with the twins and opens the door. "It's dark." Tori said.

Not two seconds later, the lights come on and everyone jumps out. "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TORI!"

Tori starts crying and everyone goes silent in concern like they might have scared her. Troy walks up to her. "Why are you crying, Princess?"

Through her never ending tears, she smiles. "I just so happy, Daddy."

Troy chuckled and picked her up kissing her temple. "Happy Birthday, Princess. Do you know how old you are?"

Tori wiped her tears away. "ONE! I ONE today!"

"That's right. You are one year old today." Tori giggled happily and wanted down. Troy puts her down and she runs to hug all her aunts and uncles. Troy took the twins and handed them off to his parents then turned and wrapped his arms around Gabriella's waist pulling her close and kissed her passionately. After thirty seconds, he pulled away. "Hello, Beautiful Wife."

She giggled. "Hello, Best Husband in the World. You really know how to greet a girl."

He chuckled. "Nah. Just my lovely wife."

Gabby giggled again and pecked his lips. "I love you, Wildcat."

"I love you too, Baby."

The party was great and it's now the day of the gang's graduation. The twins are seven months old and have gotten big. Taylor found out a week ago she was pregnant and she's one month along today. Zeke and Sharpay, Jason and Kelsi, and Ryan and Martha had a triple wedding two months ago and are all happily married. All the parents and teachers were there. Principal Matsui walked on the set stage as the ceremony was outside. "Parents and Teachers of this year's seniors, I am proud to have had these wonderful people as students here at East High. I have grown to love and adore those who have gotten married so young and have wonderful children of their own. One of those students is this year's valedictorian. I welcome to the stage... Gabriella Montez Bolton!"

Everyone clapped as Gabriella walked on stage and stood in front of the microphone. She cleared her throat. "Hello, Everyone. I was a new student here at East High just after New Years last year. I was known before as the freaky math girl and never had friends. But I moved here with my mom Sarah Montez as she was transferred here to Albuquerque from her job. The first person I met is now my husband. I love you, Troy."

"I love you too, Gabriella!" He shouted back from his seat.

"Awwww." The crowd sighed.

Gabriella giggled. "After that, I made friends with a girl like me and she's now like my best sister in the world. Love you Taylor McKessie Danforth." Taylor smiled and waived. "Then I made friends with the basketball team and all of the students that were in my homeroom. Jason Cross, Zeke Baylor, Chad Danforth, Kelsi Neilson Cross, Ryan Evans, Sharpay Evans Baylor, and Martha Cox Evans. You guys are the only friends I ever had and you are now my family. I love you all. Because once a Wildcat, ALWAYS a Wildcat. Being here gave me the strength to be whatever I wanted to be and to make friends and a family I never thought I could ever have. My life starts and will end here at East High. I thank every one of my teachers and my mom and all my friends parents for always being there for me. Thank you all so much. I love you all and I'll never forget my time here at East High."

Everyone clapped and cheered as she got off stage and went back to her seat. The rest of the ceremony went smoothly and quickly. Once it was over, everyone went to congratulate each other and then met up with the kids. "Yay, Mommy and Daddy!" Tori yelled hugging her parent's legs.

The couple laughed and took the twins who were smiling at them. "Mama. Dada." They said at the same time. It's their first words today. The couple gasped and smiled kissing their heads. It was the perfect ending of high school and a new beginning as life with friends and family.

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