8. A Baby?

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The doorbell rings again and Gabriella gets up to open it. There's a completely distraught young woman with a newborn baby in her arms. "Hello. Can I help you?"

The woman handed her the baby. "She was born five minutes ago around the corner. I need you to raise her for me. I'm in trouble and so is she if you don't take her. When she's old enough to understand, tell her I love her and I will be watching her. I called the police. Told them your address and they're on their way with some needed baby supplies. Cradle, diapers, everything you need."

"But I..."

"PLEASE?! I need you to do this for me. It's her only way out of danger and I know you can do it."

Gabriella looked from her to the baby she's now holding and sighs. "Alright. I'll raise her."

"Thank you so much!" She said relieved and ran off.

Gabriella shut the door and the three girls came out. "What was that all about, Gabs?" Taylor asked.

She turned around and showed her the baby girl in her arms. "The mother was distraught. She said she was in trouble and that the baby would be too if I didn't take her. Then she said she called the police and told them what happen and told them my address. They're on their way here with needed baby supplies. The mother also said she was born only five minutes before around the corner. She was so desperate in me raising her baby. So I finally agreed."

"Wow! What are you gonna name her?"

"I don't know."

Troy and Chad had started coming down the stairs when they heard what she said. They finally came in the room. "Name her Tori Alexa Bolton." Troy said walking over to her.

Gabriella looked at him surprised. "What?!"

"You're my girlfriend and soon to be wife. And this little girl needs two parents. Not just one. I'll be happy to be her father."

"Troy... I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. I heard everything you said and I'm glad to help. I love you."

Gabby kissed him softly. "I love you too. But I don't want to feed her formula. I want to breast feed her."

"How you gonna do that?"

"There's a way for the hospital to trick my body into thinking I was pregnant and I can produce breast milk."

"Alright. I guess we're going to the hospital after we get everything else settled."

Gabby smiled then looked at the baby. "I guess your name is Tori Alexa Bolton. What do you think?"

Tori smiled and cooed. Troy laughed. "I guess she likes it."

The doorbell rings. AGAIN. "Police." came through the door.

Troy opened the door. "Come in." He invited and let them in.

"Who's the person that lives here?" The officer asked.

"That would be me, Sir." Gabby said doing the jiggle to keep Tori calm.

"Ah. Yes. Do you live here alone?"

"No, Sir. I live with my mom, but she's not here right now. She's on a business trip. My boyfriend who opened the door is staying with me until she gets back in two weeks."

"Ok. Did the biological mother say anything to you about the baby?"

"Just that she would be in danger like herself if I didn't take her and that she was born five minutes before around the corner."

"Ok." He said and wrote it down. "She didn't give you her name or anything?"

"No. Just that she had called you guys and that you were on your way with needed baby supplies."

He wrote it all down. "Alright. Thank you. My men are setting the cradle and things up when you're ready."

"Thank you." She replied. He nodded and left. She looked at the other police officers. "You can set it all up in the guest room across from my room. Troy can show you where it is."

Troy led them to the said guest room and they started setting everything up. "You guys want anything to drink? Water? Soda? Coffee?"

"Just some water please." One of them said and the others nodded in agreement.

"Alright. I'll be right back."

He got the water and brought it upstairs on a tray. "Here you guys go. Gabriella had me give you a plate of her mom's brownies as well."

"Thanks." They all said.

"No problem, Guys. Thanks for doing this for us."

"Not a problem, Mr..."

"Bolton. Troy Bolton."

"Not a problem, Mr. Bolton." One guy said walking up to him. "Here's the birth certificate. Just sign your name and have Miss Montez sign hers on these lines. Write the name of the baby here." The man said pointing to the lines necessary.

"Thank you so much." He said and walked downstairs where the girls and Chad were playing with Tori. "Gabby, we need to sign the birth certificate."

She handed Tori to Kelsi and walked over to him. "Ok."

They walked in the kitchen and got a pen then signed the certificate. Troy wrote Tori's name on the line indicated and took it back up to the officer that gave it to him. "Here it is."

The man took it. "Thank you. We will have it copied and then get a registered social security number for her. I'll have them to you along with the official adoption papers by tomorrow at three."

"Thank you so much, Officer."

"Please. Call me Kaden."

"Ok, Kaden. Then call me Troy."

"Alright, Troy." He said and handed him his business card. "Call me if you guys ever need anything."

"We will. Thanks again." Troy replied and went downstairs. "You ready to get going to the hospital, Gabby?"

She looked up and smiled. "Yeah. Lets make it quick." She said and got up.

The two went to his house and went inside. "Mom, can you give Gabby and I a ride to the hospital please?"

She came down the stairs dressed for work. (She's a doctor) "Whatever for, Hunny?"

"We had a situation where I got a baby and we adopted it. Her." Gabriella said.

"Oh. Ok."

"But I don't like formula feeding her because it's not as good for her, so I wanted to go get that thing that tricks my body into thinking I was pregnant so I can produce breast milk and breast feed her."

"Alright. But I'll do it, so it don't cost you anything."

"Thanks, Lucy."

"Not a problem, Dear."

And with that, they were out the door and headed to the hospital.

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