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Lloyd POV

I walked and walk not exactly knowing where I was going, I just was walking where my legs took me.

I was walking for about an hour, I checked my phone to see a bunch of texts and missed calls from everyone. I sighed as I looked at the time, it was almost 1 in the morning, I should probably head back.

I looked up from my phone now realizing where I was, I was at the Old Monastery.
Maybe I could spend a little bit of time here.

I climbed a wooden pole and made my way up to the roof, I sat a distance away from the edge.

"... Ya know-"

"Shut up, I already know what your gonna say so shut up..."

"Geez..." He made himself appear, he sat next to me, we both didn't speak to each other we just looked up at the sky and stared at the stars.

I was tired but refused to fall asleep, but I was weak and eventually fell asleep...

Morro POV (just wait...)

We both gazed at the stars for awhile until Lloyd fell asleep, well I couldn't blame him it was, what, like 2 or 1 in the morning?

I wanted to push him off right then and there, but... Something wouldn't let me for some reason..

I looked at Lloyds sleeping figure. I just stared at him, trying to figure out what this feeling was, it wasn't hate and it was dread, and it wasn't annoyance... I don't know what it was.

I looked up at the sky again, still thinking onto what this feeling was. I was very confused, in a way it was what I felt back when I was alive and was with Wu, the feeling of comfort and... Love? Was it? But this was... Stronger, it was so strange and I couldn't figure out what it was.

After a lot of thinking I still couldn't figure it out.
Ghost dont need to sleep but they prefer to, and so I as well fell asleep.

~TimeSkip to Morning~

Lloyds POV

I woke up to the feeling of the sun on my face, I open my eyes to see a sleeping Morro next to me... Wait what?? I sat up rubbed my eyes, and looked back down at Morro. I rolled my eyes and got back down on the ground and made my way back home.

.After a bit of walking down the Monastery stairs.

"So you just planned on leaving me up on that roof?" Morro said making his appearance, but only I could see him.

"Yes, any chance I get to get away from you I'll take..." Was all I said as I finally made it down the stairs of the Monastery.

I walked through town with Morro floating behind me, he was gazing at everything, he probably doesn't know anything about New Ninjago.

"Lloyd what is this?" He said as his face was pressed up against a glass window, I looked up at the sign and it said Comic Store.

"Those are Comic Books, great things actually, now come on you Bastard, I need to make it home before everyone starts panicking more then they already are."

I really didn't want to deal with Morro right now. He ruined my life over something that I had no control over. I didn't exactly choose to be the Green Ninja, it just kinda Happened.

As I was walking I heard Police Sirens, soon around 4 or 5 police cars zoomed pass me. I started chasing them, they were going to the Bank, yup that's Ninjago for ya.

Once I made it to the Bank, I went up to a Police Officer.

"Sir, whats happening?" I asked.

"Bank Robbery, we have 4 people held captive in there." He explained.

"How many Robbers?" I asked.

"I think 5 or 6 Im not sure though." He said. I nodded my head.

"The other Ninja should be here soon for now I'm gonna try and save as many Captives as I can! " I said as I made my way up to the roof of the Bank Building. There was windows at the top so I opened one and jumped in silently.

I made my way to where the Captives were, the other Robbers were busy trying to get into the Vault. I put my Mask on I made my way down.

One of the Captives noticed me, I put my finger up to my mouth showing them that I needed them to be quiet.

I silently made my towards them. I started untying the rope.

"Please, take my Son and Daughter first." Whispered a man, which I assume was the father of the two silently crying children. I nodded as I quickly untied the two children. I picked them up, and put one on my back and the other I had hold onto my arm as I made my way up the Cement Pole. (I'm dumb and don't know wut those are called 😅)

I made it out with success, I went back down the Building and ran to some police officers.

"Here I managed to get the Kids." I said as I gave the kids to the Police Officers.

"The Parents and Employees are still in there. I'll be back!" I said as I made my way back into the Building.


As I was untying the, I think, the mother of those kids, she screamed.

"WATCH OUT!!" I turned my head just in time to doge a Bullet flying towards me.

I quickly got up and got in a Battle stance.

"Crap, it's a Ninja!" Said one of them.

"It's only one, we can take 'em." Said, why I think was, the leader.

I quickly ran up to one of them and managed to knock one out. They all started shooting at me.
I somehow managed to dodge all but one bullet.

It shot me right in my left arm!

"Agh! Dammit!" I yelled. I held the wound, I moved my hand to see the damage...

That...beautiful Crimson Red came pouring out of my arm. I stared at it, it was so mesmerizing, yet I was pissed.

I looked back at the Guy who shot me, I smiled at him, his expression changed from one that was proud to one scared shitless.

I ran at him, swiftly, I punched him dead in the face, grabbed his Gun and Aimed it at him then...

*BANG* ... I shot him... It felt so good to kill someone, who knew it was fun!

I looked up at the remaining 5 of the Robbers. I smiled sadistically at them.

"... Don't worry... Your Next..."


All of the Captives ran out the Building, Crying tears of joy, they were free now.

Soon after I walked out, I was covered in blood, I had a few Bullet wounds but I didn't care.

Once out, I heard everyone gasp, I looked up and just smiled a closed eye smile, it wasn't sadistic and Blood Wanting, nor was it a Sad or Broken, it was a Smile I haven't smiled in a long time...

An Actual, Happy Smile...

A/N ok sooooo about thar scene back when it was Morros POV I'm just gonna out right say it...

I actually kind of Ship it! Now don't get mad yes ik they gate each other, but in this book it's one sided love, And it's just for the Plot ok? Ok.

And this is the longest chapter I've ever made so I hope y'all enjoyed!

Thx for reading Readers 🖤😊

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