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Lloyd POV

I picked Kai up and walked to a nearby store. I set him down inside, I didn't say anything. I went to the bathroom and changed into my Green Hoodie, Blue Skinny Jeans, and Convers. I went to where Kai was and picked him up again and left.

I made it home, nobody was here, they probably went out to eat. I set Kai down on the couch and went to the kitchen. I got an ice pack for his head and me a Caprisun.
I put the ice pack on his head and sat down with a book. Kai woke up a few minutes later.

"Ugh... What...??" He sat up and looked around. "Your home, Kai..." I said still reading my book. "... How'd I get home??"

"Do you not remember anything at all?" I asked.

"No not much... All I remember is using my Fire on something or someone..." He said rubbing his head. Oh thank God he doesn't remember.

"Oh, well, I found you unconscious in an Ally way on my way home..." I said closing my book and standing up. I walked over to Kai and helped him up off the couch, trust me he's heavier than he looks. We went upstairs, I helped Kai to his bed.

As I was about to leave, Kai grabbed my hand, I looked at my hand and then at him. "Can you just stay for a little while? It feels like forever since the last time we actually spent some time together." He said with a small grin. I lightly blushed, I rolled my eyes and sat down with Kai. It has only been like 2 days since the last time we hung out, but still, I admit I do miss Kai.

We played a random board game, after that Kai got up and got into some pj's, I did too after he was done. After that we continued talking, well Kai was doing more of the talking, I just listened.


Buy the time everyone else got back it was around 9:30. Me and Kai went down stairs to see if they brange any food. (Me tho, food is the only thing that will get me out if my room 😂)

Thank God they did, I was starving. "Soo~ did y'all do anything while we were gone?" I heard Cole ask. It took me a second to process what he said but when it did I chocked on the water I was drinking. I was blushing furiously. "No! It's not like that!" I said. "Your blush says otherwise." He said with a smirk. "Shut Up Cole!" I yelled. He just laughed, I looked over at Kai and saw he was laughing too, everyone was laughing. I just crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

Soon enough we all went to bed, Cole 'Accidentally' pushed me into Kai, witch lead to being in a weird position. I quickly scrambled to my feet and glared at Cole. He just Laughed. I helped Kai off the floor, then headed to bed.

I was on bed when I felt someone else get into my bed with me. I turned around and saw it was Kai. "Hi." He said. I just chuckled, He pulled me into his chest and nuzzled his face into my hair. I blushed Madly at this, but... It felt good... I felt safe...

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