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I sat there on the counter waiting for Lloyd to come down. I heard some footsteps behind me, I turned around to see a tear stained Lloyd.

"Lloyd-?" I was cut off by him hugging me.

"Lloyd? Are you ok?" He nodded. It was so hard to believe him, he just came out of his room with tear stains, he was yelling at... Something awhile ago, it was just a whole mental breakdown.

I noticed he started trembling a bit, I was about ask him what was wrong when.

"Lloyd! Im so so sorry for pouring water all over you!" Jay yelled as he tackled Lloyd in a hug. Lloyd just nodded, he was acting so strange, emotionless almost.

"I'm seriously sorry! I know how it feels to pour blazing hot coffee, I just kinda reacted." He kept apologizing over and over, that was until Lloyd kinda snapped.

"Jay!!" He went quiet.

"Listen I understand you're sorry but I really need you to stop saying it! No offense but it's just really annoying!"

This was definitely not Lloyd, the real Lloyd would've just said it was fine over and over until the one apologizing stopped.

I looked back over to Lloyd and Jay, to see that Jay was nowhere to be seen.

But Lloyd was being weird, he had his eyes closed really tight and he was trembling.


"I'm going to bed early." Was all he said before leaving to go back upstairsupstairs, its only like 12:00 in the afternoon. I sat down in one of the chairs thinking,

There's no way Lloyd is 'ok'.

Sensei Wu POV

Ever since Lloyds birthday I have been sensing a strange yet familiar aura in the house, especially around Lloyd. I was meditating but mostly thinking about Lloyd, he's been very strange ever since the battle with Morro.

I was thinking about what could be wrong with Lloyd until someone knocked at my door.

"Come in." Kai then walks in. Kai? I kind of was expecting it to be Zane or my Brother, all well.

"Hello Kai what can I help you with?"

"It's about Lloyd. He's been acting very strange."

"I've noticed aswell." I said as Kai sat down.

"When Jay came up to Lloyd, he was apologized a lot, he kept on apologizing over and over, then... Lloyd, like, snapped or something. It was like he was trying to be nice but failing miserably. He also keeps shaking alot, like he's cold, but it's like 80 degrees in this house."

"Hm, that is very strange...Tell me, have you been paying attention to his eyes?"

"His eyes? No not really, I couldn't get a good look at them, cause he kept looking down and keeping his eyes closed. But I did see tear stains on his face, but that was from his Breakdown awhile ago." He said getting up.

"Well ok then,... If you happen to come across him again please take a look at his eyes."

"If you don't mind me asking Sensei, but why do I have to look at his eyes?"

"I'll tell you sooner or later Kai." He nodded his head as he left.

Now during that conversation, I figured out what's wrong with Lloyd.

I remember reading a very old book, it was about Ghosts such as Morro. It said, "If possessed by a ghost, that ghost stays with you forever even if it 'leaves you' it will always be with you, Haunting you, showing you your greatest fears, if it hates you, it will try to get you to either kill yourself or it will drive you to the brink of Insanity, And the Effect of such is red eyes.

What scares me most is that, Lloyd might end up being Insane, or that he... Might kill himself...

I shook my head there's no way I'm ever gonna let that happen. I'm gonna put him under watch 24/7.

We can't lose him, he's our family, he's The Chosen Green Ninja, he has a whole life to complete.

Under no circumstances he's not leaving us like that.

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