CHAPTER 4 - Meddling Ministry

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"So, let me get this straight, you've finally decided to ask Hermione to go with you to Hogsmeade, but you can't pluck up the courage to do it? Bloody hell, Ron, you won a war and helped defeat Voldemort. How in Merlin's name is it possible that you can face the wizarding world's most feared and dangerous wizard, but you can't ask a girl you've known for eight years on a date? Pathetic." Harry scoffed at his friend, his hands running over his face defeatedly.

Ron was undoubtedly the most confusing person he had and most likely ever will meet.

"Hey! It's not like you've gotten very far with confessing your crush!" Ron retorted. Harry blushed a bright scarlet at the mention of Ginny. "Hermione knows me, Harry. If she has half a brain cell, which she has way more than, she'd reject me on the spot. These girls are going to kill me, Harry. Their minds are so confusing." Ron threw his arms up looking hopeless.

Harry didn't want to admit it, but he wholeheartedly agreed with Hermione's wise words:

Ron honestly did have the emotional range of a teaspoon.

"Do you remember the Yule Ball?" Harry asked, and Ron nodded.

"I won't be forgetting that anytime soon, Harry." Harry laughed as he remembered the many times they had tried and failed at getting dates.

"Can you remember what Hermione said in the study hall before it? She said to pluck up the courage and ask her." Ron grimaced and remembered the fight they had afterwards.

He regrets not asking her.

"Yeah, I remember. Didn't Snape whack us on the head after she stormed out?" The boys laughed at the memory.

Ron spent a while thinking about it. "Alright, I'll do it sometime, but not just yet." He sighed. Harry patted him on the back and pulled the redhead to his feet.

"Come on now, let's get to sleep. We have Charms together first period and I don't want to muck up my last year on the very first day." Ron groaned at Harry's enthusiastic determination to butter up the professors but agreed with him, nonetheless.


"They couldn't bloody resist it, could they? They just had to meddle with our already messed up lives some more." Pansy raged on. Draco rolled his eyes at her dramatic behaviour, feeling slightly irritated as she had been ranting on about it for almost two hours.

"Come on, Pans. You don't even know what the law is? I'm sure it's not that bad. The worst they could do is force us to sign Granger's pathetic House Elf thing, whatever it's called. Not even the ministry could be so cruel as to cause us more difficulty, especially now that all the chaos has died down." Draco looked to be reassuring himself rather than the infuriated girl scowling beside him.

He, too, was worried, but he'd never show it. His ego simply wouldn't allow it.

"Whatever it is, the fact that not even Dumbledore is willing to talk about it means it can't be anything good. Did you see the look on McGonagall's face? The woman looked appalled at the mere mention of it. Why'd you think she asked Blaise to stay behind?" Pansy continued.

Blaise was called back after they left because McGonagall had to talk to him about something. When he got back, his entire mood looked sour. Before Draco or Pansy could ask him about it, he had grabbed his coat and left the common room, slamming the portrait shut behind him.

"Well doesn't he seem cheerful?" Pansy said sarcastically.

"Delightful, isn't he?" Draco agreed.

"I don't know why and quite frankly I don't think I want to. Did you see the way he scowled at us? Merlin, whatever that woman said really got to him." Draco answered Pansy's question.

"Anyway, I'm heading to bed. If I want to get a good fresh start, I don't want to be grumpy all day and ruin it with the first word that comes from my mouth." Draco stated and walked to the boys dorm rooms.

"Draco! Wait!" She exclaimed hastily.

"Do you think they'll give us a shot to prove ourselves? I mean, we did help almost destroy the wizarding world, regardless if we did it willingly or not... I want to fix this." Pansy asked with a hesitant voice and sullen look flashing in her eyes.

Draco could see the raw emotions in her eyes.

"I don't know, Pans."


The night sky was brilliant above Blaise. It settled his nerves quickly with its calming chill. Blaise stood still for a moment and closed his eyes, thinking about nothing in particular. The world was quiet and dark. He would escape here regularly back when Voldemort was still at bay, no one would notice him leaving. It was like his own safe haven.

His stream of thoughts was broken when a small body collided into his. He instinctively grabbed her before she hit the ground. Her eyes opened. They were a magnificent aqua blue that someone could easily get lost in.

Blaise was baffled by the innocence and beauty of the Ravenclaw in his arms. For a brief moment everything around the pair seemed insignificant and only him and the girl existed. To him, she was an exquisite perception of all things beautiful and rare.

"Hello Blaise, I didn't expect to see you here." She said in a dazed state of mind. She, too, was entranced by the beauty of the boy holding her.

"Luna, right?" Blaise grimaced at the fact that he had to confirm her name. What a way to make a first impression...

Luna seemed to take no notice and think nothing of it. She nodded silently and removed herself from his hold.

"So, what brings you here this late at night? Something troubling you?" she questioned.

"I can ask you the same question." Blaise shot back playfully.

"Touché..." Luna laughed.

They continued their quest for comfort in the outside world together, walking in a pleasant silence. Hours felt like minutes and soon the sun peeked out from behind the mountains and shone brightly upon the dew-covered grass.

"Oh, wow. Looks like we've been out here for quite a while, doesn't it? Time really does fly when you're happy." Luna confessed absentmindedly. Blaise felt his heart flutter at her choice of words. Happy.

"Yeah... We should probably head back before breakfast... I don't think Dumbledore will be too pleased to hear that we've broken quite a few rules on our first night back." Luna giggled at Blaise.

"So ... uh ... do you think we could maybe see each other again some time?" Blaise asked awkwardly while scratching the back of his neck. He really didn't want to be rejected...

"That would be lovely!" And without another word, Luna skipped into the great castle and disappeared around the corner. Blaise stared after her with an incredulous look.

She honestly was a work of art. Extraordinarily different. Strange yet undeniably beautiful.



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Edit: 25/07/2020

Question of the day
What's your favourite colour?
(Mine: Aqua-Blue)

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