CHAPTER 49 - He's Back

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Hey guys!! Guess what??? I JUST WROTE MY LAST FINAL!  #Woohoo!

So my mood is like suuuper happy ;) 

Hope you enjoy the chapter! Thanks for reading! <3


"You're bloody joking." Ron groaned with disbelief and annoyance. Harry ran his fingers through his awfully dishevelled locks of hair and then let his hand rest over his face, successfully shielding the look of disgust and defeat on his features. If history was any indication, then nothing good could come from this. Honestly.

"Nope. I'm begin dead serious. Dumbledore's gone and invited the arsehole back with bloody open arms. Apparently his chosen partner died a "mysterious" death and the "poor boy" is absolutely devastated. Load of codswallop if you ask me." Ginny said with a scowl on her face.

"Mysterious death my arse, I bet he killed her himself. He seems like the type of guy that would do that. I mean look at what he did to Hermione?" Ron scoffed and delivered his logical opinion. Ginny stared at him, silently suspecting the same thing.

"No way. My bet's that the poor girl kicked her own bucket to prevent a future of misery." Ginny snorted at Harry's comment. There was no telling with the blonde Gryffindor they'd just let back into Hogwarts. Hermione is going to freak...and Draco too.

"I think I should go tell Hermione about this. She's going to want to know." Ginny sighed and untangled herself from Harry's hold. She opened the door labelled 'Malfoy' and walked straight in, expecting to find Hermione curled up in a cocoon of blankets alone. What she found, however, was anything but that.

"Hermione! You won't believe who just enrolled in – WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!" Ginny shrieked and stood frozen with a look of shock on her face in the centre of the room, finding herself unable to move or think coherently. Words escaped her for a moment. On Hermione's bed, under her covers, holding her impossibly close, was none other that the Slytherin Prince, her current boyfriend, Draco Malfoy.

Draco lifted his head and looked at the frozen girl. He groaned and let his head fall back down onto the cushion.

"Turn around. Open the door. And get the bloody hell out, Weaslette." Draco instructed in a rough morning voice. Ginny gulped and walked out, knocking over a coat hanger on her way. Just by the way he called her by the long-forgotten nickname Ginny knew not to press the situation with her snarky remarks.

"You won't believe what I just saw." Ginny muttered with wide eyes, shutting the door behind her as she entered the common room and slumping back down onto the couch beside Harry. Ron, Harry and now Pansy too looked at her with suspicious frowns.

"Well spit it out, would you." Pansy said after a moment of silence while leaning in closer to hear what caused the horrified look on the girl's face. Ginny shook her thoughts away.

"Hermione. Draco. One bed." That's all she had to say before Pansy was on her feet and bolting towards the door of Hermione and Draco's room. She opened the door with an immense force and stared at the bed with wide eyes before bursting out into snorts of laughter seconds later.

"My, My, My. What do we have here?" She said smugly. Her smirk only widened when Hermione turned around and cuddled further into Draco's chest, grumbling something about 'go away' under her breath.

"Shut up, Pans." Draco said.

"I'm so using this as blackmail." Pansy smirked and snapped a picture with a device Hermione had called a phone. Useful little boxes. Draco glared at her just as Hermione woke up with a large yawn, sitting up and stretching her arms out. After rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Hermione looked around the room and met the eyes of a very smug and mischievous Pansy Parkinson.

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