CHAPTER 47 - Banshees and Classroom Fires

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Okay, first off... Can we just agree that school sucks and is totally pointless?! *Sobs dramatically at the fact that I've still got 10 more finals to write* Yeah...Okay I'm done now.

Sorry about the really really slow updates!! Hope you enjoy this chapter - sorry if it sucks, suffering major writers block... 


"Come on! Up you get, we've got to go!" Draco said while pulling the curtains of his and Hermione's shared room open. She groaned annoyedly and pulled the covers over her face to block out the bright rays of the morning sun.

"Get lost, Malfoy." Hermione grumbled. He chuckled and grabbed a hold of the end of the duvet, tugging it to the floor. Hermione groaned loudly and sat up with a scowl playing on her features.

"Back to last name basis, are we? Looks like you really hate me now." Draco laughed, taking in her cute and terrifying morning look. Her hair looked like it did in first-year and there was a pattern from her pillow imprinted onto her cheek. Her pyjamas were a mess and the scowl on her face was priceless.

"I do, Malfoy, I really do." Hermione sighed and swung her legs over the edge of her bed, easily slipping her slippers on and grabbing her toiletry bag for a shower. Draco watched her leave with her towel over her shoulder and her little bag in her right hand, walking sleepily and muttering a small 'good morning' to Blaise along the way.

"Morning 'Mione!" He greeted and walked into the room she and Draco shared. "Hey, Drake. Listen, I need your advice man. I'm thinking of getting Luna a ring." He spoke enthusiastically while gently closing the door and plumping down onto Hermione's unmade bed. Draco widened his eyes in shock.

"What!" He exclaimed. "Dude, you've only been together for like a week, and now you're planning on proposing to her?" Blaise shrugged and smile sheepishly. "Man, you're whipped." Draco added with a smirk.

"We're going to get married anyway, so why not do it now? And come on Drake, she perfect! Like...her eyes - ugh, I can't. How did I get so damn lucky mate?" Draco smiled at his best mate and shook his head.

"Blaise, man, you surprise me more and more each day." They both laughed and sat down on the edge of Draco's silk covered bed. "So, what've you got in mind?" Draco asked.

"I don't know, I'm thinking a silver ring with a sapphire stone or something? Something different – not a diamond. Luna's unique, so her ring should be too." Blaise said while thinking deeply, clearly getting lost in the thought of Luna wearing his ring on her left finger. Draco nodded in agreement.

"When are you going to do it?" Draco asked.

"Tomorrow." Came Blaise's short reply but before Draco could respond, Hermione walked through the door with her hair dripping onto the tiles and her hands clutching her towel tightly around her small body. She raised her eyes at the two boys.

"Should I be worried about this? Blaise, does Luna know? Draco? When were you going to tell me? Were you even going to tell me?" Hermione gasped and looked to Draco accusingly, portraying a look of fake shock and pouting at the end, faking betrayal. Both Slytherin men widened their eyes and looked between each other gaping.

"No! Hermione you –" Blaise tried to explain but she cut him off.

"I'm joking Blaise, geez! Now get out. Both of you." The two of them shook their heads in disbelief and left the room. Draco gave Hermione a wink as he passed by her, causing a deep red to colour her cheeks, and then shut the door behind him.

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