33. Defenders of the Wing Island

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"You were wise to bring the titan wing here," Queen Mala praised Hiccup, "with our skill in healing, it will be healthy soon."

Sessa stood at the back of the group, her hood and mask up. It was late into night, and the sun would be rising soon. Again, she found herself uneased by the amount of people around. And to make it even worse, most of them also wore masks over their faces. She wondered if this was how she made other people feel all of the time. It was unsettling.

But even hiding in the back, Mala could see Sessa. "I don't believe we've met," Mala greeted with a slightly suspicious tone. She stepped past Hiccup to see Sessa up closer. But the hooded woman remained quiet.

"This is Sessa," Hiccup introduced after a long, awkward silence. He took a stance beside her and went on, "she's helped us a few times in the past."

Sessa gave him a look, rasing one eyebrow. "No, I haven't," she disagreed almost reluctantly.

"She saved Snotlout when he was captured by Krogan," Hiccup clarified, hoping Sessa would just let him make her look good for Mala.

The Queen looked from Hiccup to Sessa and finally spoke again, "well..any friend of the dragon riders, is a friend of ours. Welcome, Sessa."

Sessa was surprised by this spontaneous trust Mala had put in her. She had no idea who Sessa was, yet she was willing to let her stay on the island. Simply because she knew Hiccup. It baffled her that anyone could trust so quickly. She finally stopped staring and gave in, bowing her head slightly to the Queen.

Suddenly, Sessa felt energy surge through her body. Looking around, her eyes landed on a figure in the sky. She immediately recognized it as Nightshade, flying toward her from the horizon. And beside her flew Lilith. "Nightshade is coming," she announced with a smile under her mask.

"Nightshade?" Mala asked curiously.

"She's Sessa's dragon," Astrid explained, "she's been a rider since before we even made peace with the dragons."

Mala raised her eyebrows and gave Sessa an impressed look. "How interesting," she remarked. She grinned in realization. "You're the Night Rider, aren't you," she observed.

Sessa was once again surprised. This was the second time a stranger had called her 'night rider'. Had she earned this name without even realizing? She replied blandly, "..yes."

But Hiccup frowned as the two dragons neared. He could barely see then in the light of the moon. "Oh no," he muttered, quiet enough for Mala not to hear, "he's not coming here, is he?"

"I'm pretty sure Nightshade's a girl, H," Tuffnut corrected.

The others ignored the twin, knowing that Hiccup had meant Viggo. But Sessa didn't look worried. "He knows what he's doing," she assured.

Then, the two dragons landed in the center of town. Lilith hissed, not liking the crowd of people around. But Nightshade didn't mind. Her massive wings sent gusts of wind through the village, before folding at her sides. Some torches were blown out, leaving the town darker. Many of the villagers wore looks of fright.

Sessa smirked under her mask and approached the devilish dervish. Nightshade nuzzled Sessa lovingly as she held her head. "I missed you, too, Nightshade," she whispered.

Then, Sessa turned to Lilith. Climbing off of her back, was Viggo. His own hood and mask were up and secured. But Sessa could see the mixed joy and fear in his eyes. Joyful to have found Sessa, of course, but fearful to be on an island of people who absolutely hated who he used to be. She walked over to him and hugged him. Viggo hugged back tightly, resting his chin over her shoulder.

"Why are you here?" He whispered to her nervously.

"The dragon riders found me," Sessa explained just as quietly, "we'll leave soon, I promise." She broke from the hug and greeted the skrill with a pet on the head. The dragon was comforted by the touch and calmed down slightly, remaining alert.

"I didn't know there were more than one Night Rider," Mala admitted as she approached as well, completely unaware that this man was Viggo Grimborn.

Neither Sessa nor Viggo responded. Mala frowned. "Forgive them," Astrid jumped in, trying to pull Mala's attention away, "they don't say much. Ever."

Sessa wasn't sure if she should feel insulted or grateful. But before she could say something, Viggo took her hand. All of her attention was drawn to him. Looking into his different colored eyes, she asked suddenly, "what would Johann want with a titan wing dramillian?"

Viggo raised an eyebrow at the random question. "I've no idea," he admitted. His eyes then landed on the giant dragon further back in the village. "Is that..?"

"Yes," Sessa responded. The two began to walk toward the wounded dragon, just wanting to get away from the crowd some.

As they neared, a man with dirty blonde hair greeted them. "Welcome, Night Riders," he spoke with respect, "I am Throk."

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