After a few classes, we had the bell for lunch and I walked to the cafeteria. As soon as I went there,Ash came running towards me and I guessed she had to tell me something important. She was holding a few sheets of paper in her hand and they were fluttering in the wind. Ash, while panting for breath said," Jessie,There you are! I need to tell you something important and please don't deny me of this". I looked at her and said,"Okay.....what happ-"There you go! She interrupted and said," You need to play the role of Portia from Shakespeare's play, The Merchant Of Venice". I was surprised and asked her," When is the play, who all are there and why did they choose me?"
She gave me the papers in her hands and said," Here is the script and remember to meet the others in the play at the cafeteria after 30 minutes.The play is day after tomorrow and you will soon know the answers to the other questions". After she said that, she ran with the speed of lightening towards the staff room to help the teachers and yeah, I had to eat lunch alone. So, I went through the script while having my lunch and...
Oh My God! This was the scene where Bassanio chooses the casket and proves his unconditional love to Portia.Wow! This was Shakespeare's well known play and the supportive characters in this play themselves had so many dialogues and a main character like Portia would have had like, say a hundred dialogues and I was supposed to learn all of these dialogues in a day? There was no backing out as the play was day after tomorrow and my thirty minutes were down and I needed to wait here to meet the others. I was sitting in the cafeteria, doing almost nothing other than looking at the script when I heard someone say," Jessie, Look here", while waving their hand at me. No one other than mom, dad, Ash and my pet dog, Lime knew this name. Anyway, I headed in that direction and I saw that it was Chris. I don't know how he got to know my pet name but it coming out of his mouth just felt good. Not good, in fact great. He, looked at me and said,"We have been searching for you all this while. It was my bad that I didn't inform you that we were in the language room next to the office and not in the cafeteria. Anyway, come along. We have a lot of work to do".
Saying this, he held my hand and took me to the language room. When he held my hand, I felt like electricity passed through me. I don't know if he held my hand knowingly or without his knowledge. But whatever the answer might have been, I would still remain on cloud 9. As we went into the language room, I saw a few other students and I could only recognise Alex among them. Chris introduced me to the others by saying, " Here she is, Portia from our play and Jessica by name". On the way to the language room, Chris told me that there was no need to remember all the dialogues as we were going to record everything we had to say and the recording would be played to avoid stammering, forgetting and all that stuff.This relieved me as there was no need to learn the dialogues. Like you have already guessed, Chris is playing the role of Bassanio and Gratiano by Alex.
After the recording,we decided that after school ends, we shall rehearse the play once again in the school playground to avoid confusion.
After school ended, I took Ash along with me to the playground so that she can also watch our play. After we were done rehearsing, we decided about the costumes. As it would be difficult to get the old English style costumes, we decided to wear something contemporary. All the boys would wear suits and all the girls would wear gowns. Chris and I planned that he shall wear a red shirt beneath his coat and I shall wear a red gown. I am feeling like butterflies are roaming in my stomach already as I can't wait for day after tomorrow.On The Day Of The Play
I am really excited for today. You might be thinking about my nervousness but there was no reason for me to be nervous. I didn't have to narrate the dialogues as that was recorded and all I had to do is the lip syncing for the dialogues. Getting selected for the play without auditions and all of that and that too for a character beside Chris made me feel like I won the race even without crossing the finish line. Ash was helping me get ready. She styled my hair while I put on my earrings and necklace. I wore white gloves that matched my gown and my hair was tied into a bun. Ash said,"Umm...Jessie,"
"Yes Ashley?"
"Is Chris going to be able to see you like this?"
"Why, Am I not looking good?"
"No no.... it is just that you are looking too good, as gorgeous as he might faint when he sees you"
"Haha, very funny Ash...."
So Ash finished my hair by putting the pearl clips she bought and we took our backpacks and headed to school in the car.
We parked the car and headed to school and for a second, I thought my eyes would pop out of their sockets.
So it didn't take that long to publish the fifth chapter....😃
Anyway hope you like it and until I publish the next chapter....❤️❤️
An Olive Green Sweater
RomanceEvery single person, at least once in their school life would have had this strong feeling of love for a person who is more appropriately known to you and your friends as your "CRUSH", right? So like you have already guessed, this story is a school...