Chapter One

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"Val, I realize that this is hard for you but you really need to go back to school. It has been four weeks." My mom yelled through my bedroom door.

"Go away. I said I wasn't ready, what do you not understand about that!" I yelled back, making no attempt to hide my attitude.

I sounded like a complete bitch but it wasn't my fault, everything she did annoyed me. I heard her heels clack down the hall and I sighed in relief. I escaped another day of school. I couldn't bring myself to go back yet. I knew that there would be an empty desk where she used to sit. There would be an empty spot at our lunch table. There would be no one walking next to me in the hallway. I tried to hold back the tears but I figured out a few days ago that there was nothing that could stop them. I pulled my knees up and rested my chin on them. My body shook in pain. It coursed through my veins. Never had I ever felt so empty in my life. After a few minutes when I could move again I opened my desk and grabbed a note. The last note I ever received from her. I unfolded it although it was to blurry to read it because I was still crying, I knew what it said by heart.


I feel like something is happening to me. I know that it is probably me just being paranoid and this letter will have no meaning. But in case I'm not being paranoid I wanted you to have this. I've done bad things. Things I wish I never had to do. I know we told each other every thing but I could never bring myself to tell you this. I was afraid that you wouldn't look at me the same way. I love every thing about you. We were two peas in a pod. We were meant not only to be best friends but sisters. I remember when I moved next door. Our moms made us have a sleepover. We spent the whole time staring at each other, wanting to be anywhere else. Then we ended up in the same second grade class and we were inseparable since. Val you are strong, remember that. It may be hidden inside of you but it is there. Remember that your soul will crack a million times in this life but only the strongest can patch it back together. Promise me you will remember that if something actually happened to me. You. Are. Strong. Enough. To. Make. It. Through. Pick up the pieces because you will have to. You have to for me. Don't ever give up. I will always, dead or alive, be there for you. Promise me that you ALWAYS remember that.

Love your soul sister,


I held the paper in my hands. There was something weird about this note. Rowan ever since I knew her wrote in pink pen. I never in my life saw her even touch a pencil yet this note was written in pencil. I received this note in mailbox the day before she died and that day she wasn't in school. I asked her where she was and she said she was sick. Then the night she died I received a voicemail. She was crying saying she was sorry and we really needed to talk, she had things she needed to tell me. I was sleeping when she called since it was one in the morning. I heard my moms start outside and soon after she left for work. I was left alone. I was scared to be alone. Scared of the things that I might do to myself. I pulled my knees up tighter around my body, trying to make self feel safe. The last few weeks were a living Hell. Police interrogated me for hours at a time until I had panic attacks. I wiped my eyes and looked back down at the note, beginning to fold it up. A smudge was on the backside of the paper. I saw it before but I never looked close. I realized that it wasn't a smudge at all it was words that had smeared together. I took a look closer and chills raced through my body. They weren't just any words. It was a name. In small letters that had been smeared to together probably from my tears read the name,

Nolan Sanford

*hope you like. Please comment suggestions if I should continue and what should happen in the next chapter*

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