The Present

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"Okay sorry to inturrupt you story um... Veronica. So you say that you and summer were friends since the first day right?"

"Yeah im pretty sure thats what i said before"

"Ok so can you tell me if this is a distant memory or does it feel like a fresh one?"

"Um.. i guess it feels pretty fresh? Why?"

"No we just want to make sure you arent going through emotianal trauma or if you need any proffesional help"

"Me? Pleaseee. of course i dont. Have you not heard anything that ive said these few hours?

"Of course i have but you did end it with you being emotianally unstable so i needed to make sure if you were okay."

"I didnt END it. YOU inturrupted me."

"Yes about that im sorry again and i think ive heard enough today. How does tomorrow sound for another session of storytelling?"

"Whatever. Sure. Yeah"

"Ok. It was great meeting you. Come by any time you want."

I got up from the comfortable chair and left. I was in a rehab center so the walk to my room wasnt that far. I lived there and was set to live there for about a year. Its been six months and im almost done with my time. I cant wait to get out. Sure ive gotten a lot of help but its tiring. Im here with a bunch of nutjob emotionally unstable freaks whos problems i dont care about. Sure they have important problems to but i try not to put my mind to that. If you havent figured out already im pretty selfish. I get to my room, its 5 o clock all ready. I decide to shower and look for clothes. It wasnt hard. My room was pretty boring. Clean white walls with a brown wooden dresser and a twin sized bed with pink covers. Pink. Oddly i kind of like it. It reminds me of her.

When im done showering I sit down and think for a while before changing. I dont have any object memories of her. No pictures, no friendship bracelets, nothing. Just the memories in my head. Sometimes i wonder why she came into my life? Was it to make me a better person? Because I feel like this is all my fault. I could've done something. Anything. By the time im done thinking and actually get to changing its 7. I put on a movie on the little tv in my room and sit in silence, letting my mind get engulfed into the plot. I fall asleep before it even finishes.

I wake up and the morning light bothers my eyes. I look at the tv and its turned off. Someone must've come in and checked on me. Today I get to go back and talk about one of my only true friends who know happens to be gone. I dont really remember how but one day she was just gone from my life. Litle flash backs of sirens and hospital trucks come into mind but thats it. Talking about her story though, and mine, has brought details into my mind that i didnt even remeber. Im hoping that i can remember what exactly happened to summer. I look at the time and its 10 how did i sleep so early and wake up so late? I brush my teeth and change take another shower to fully wake my up. Then i change and head to the cafeteria.

"Morning Margaret"

"Morining S- so late for breakfast arent we?"

I give her a look at her weird stutter but let it go.

"Yeah but what wonderful thing did you cook up today?"

"Scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon, your favorite"

I smile and take the plate and go sit down. I finish my food and give her back the plate since she doesnt let me wash it myself. I thank her and head to where i will continue my story.


"Oh hello veronica. Ready to continue?"

"Yeah im completely ready."

"ok then go on."

Authors note-

In this chapter, if you didnt catch it, are some things that will lead on to future points in the story. If youve figured it out already, which i doubt, then congrats. If you havent dont worry the more interesting this whole story will be. Vote and comment. Thanks.

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