Nothing but a Snitch

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These past few weeks have been troubling for Summer. A lot of hate has been going around for both of us. I wish that Summer could just ignore it like I do. I understand that it's hard for her though. Over the course of these 3 weeks, I stopped wearing the colors to an extreme. I stick to regular jeans and the color t-shirt. No paint, no gloves. I stopped because it was making things worse for Summer. It wasnt long before the news spread around the school that Karen, Gordon, Max, and Hannah were expelled. Hannah returned and everyone was asking questions. She merely responded with ask Veronica she is the one that turned us in. She left the school a week later. Next week, Max will be returning. I have no problem with him. He was just following Karen and Gordon probably. I still have a month. A month to figure out how to let Summer go as easily as possible.

*What happened it the 3 weeks*

"Hey Veronica, or should I say the unconscious bit**. Oh and hey cry baby usless little girl, summer"

"Wait don't be too mean! She might go and tell the principle everything! Again! Or she might just run off to her mommy."

They run off laughing and their stupid jokes. Seriously? They could do MUCH better. I start to joke with Summer.

"Ha! That was extremely stupid. They need to get a better book of insults. Like-"

I don't get to finish. Summer isn't even there. Maybe that was enough to hurt her. It's a reaction they want and Summer is giving them that satisfaction! I run to find her. Of course, she's in the bathroom. I hear her sobs and I try my best to comfort her. I'm not an expert in this, I've barely had any friends to comfort or any friends period.

"After all those insults I just couldn't handle it. Then I had to be slapped in the face with the reminder that I actually DON'T have a mother to go cry to. I have a mother but a shi**y one. You wouldn't understand."

"You're right. I don't understand. I probably never completely will. But I can try. And I will listen. That's what friends are for."

"You're admitting it?"

"Admitting what?"

"That you're my friend?"

There's no way getting out of this now. Sure I'm her friend, but that won't last for long. I try my best to smile in a way that she won't suspect anything.


She laughs and wipes her tears. Together, we walk to our first class. Everything seems all happy but then we get to class. The teacher isn't there yet and on the board, the sentence

Veronica and Summer: nothing but snitches. But you know what they say? Bi***es are snitches! And with the beating they gonna get soon enough, they gonna get stitches!


Extremely stupid.


To Summer yes. I can see the look of pain in her eyes. She tries to hide it from me but its too late. I walk up to the board and erase. I look to everyone and smile. I also wave.

"Yes. I am Veronica. That over there is Summer. We are human! OMG! New discovery! But you know what were not? We aren't snitches, we aren't bitc**s and we definitely have WAY better insults than that. So I suggest you all use your brains for once. Come on! Use em! Now carefully listen what I'm about to say. WE DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY. Got it? Do I need to say it slower? No? Okay then."

I sit down at my desk and everyone is staring at me. I have a big smile on my face. The teacher walks in and starts the lesson. As usual, I barely listen. By the time class ends, im already bored out of my mind. Summer has a different class than I do. I hope that nothing bad happens in 45 minutes. Art class takes away most of my boredom. I draw a girl with both hands up in an "I'm strong" position. she looks proud of herself and I feel like im trying to draw what I want myself to be. The person that I feel that I already partly am. Except this girl is beautiful, and although I dont show it, my self esteem has lowered a bit due to the whole John and Lillian event. But enough about that. I look at my drawing. Not one of my best but yet its the one I love the most. By the time im done, class is done. I walk out to my locker. On the walk to my locker, I see summer at hers. Shes crying, again. I wonder why. Then I see the spraypainted words on her locker. The white is really eye catching against the blue. The words would be hard to miss.


I walk over to her and tell her that its fine. The words dont mean anything, and i will always be there for her. She decides im right and she opens her locker. A note falls and she catches it.

Leave, nobody likes you. You should just go kill yourself.

I get outraged at the last part. No matter how much you hate a person or dislike them or anything, you should NEVER tell someone to kill themself. Summer runs. She runs out of the school, probably heading home. I know that it would be better to talk to her when she is calm. I walk to my own locker and see nothing. Why is it that they have to pick on Summer, but not me? Then I realize its because I could never give them the satisfaction of pain. I would just probably take a spray can and write WHATEVER over what they wrote. I would take the note and throw it out. Then I would move on. Summer, however, shows them tears. They are a bunch of saddist. They enjoy other peoples pain. Again, I say I hate them. Or maybe just what they do. I decide that school isnt that important today and go home.

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